Over on the G.I. Joe Collectors Club message board, the folks from Fun Pub have posted about the shipping date for FSS 6.0 as well as expectations for FSS 7.0.
It’s a quick little blurb but should give some idea on the timing of these releases. If you’re a member of the Club check out the post, or you can view the mirrored image below.
2010 12 ” Club Exclusive Urban Adventurer Uniform Accessory Set (Figure Not Included) 2 pcs $11.99
12″ Club Exclusive 40th Anniversary Medic Helmets (1 pack of 4) $3.50
12″ Club Exclusive 40th Anniversary Navy Helmets (1 pack of 4) $3.50
2014 3 3/4 G.I. Joe H.A.V.O.C.(Heavy Assault Vehicle Ordnance Carrier) MK-II (1 pc) $27
GIJoeCon 2015 3 3/4″ Tiger Force T-Shirt (Adult Medium, Large, XL, 2XL) $8
GIJoeCon 2015 12″ “Red Top” Shirt (Child Medium, Adult Small, Medium, Large, XL, 2XL) $8
Souvenirs GIJoeCon 2015 Hat $8
2015 12″ GIJoeCon Pilot Accessory Pack (1 pc) $70
2015 12″ GIJoeCon The Adventures of G.I. Joe Test Pilot featuring Fantastic Freefall and Descent Into Darkness Convention Set (1 pc) $293
2015 3 3/4″ Carded Club Exclusive Dr. Mindbender (unsigned) 1 pc $17.99
2015 Polybag 3 3/4″ Club Exclusive “Arctic: Dr Mindbender Figure (1 pc) $11.99
2015 G.I. Joe Club Exclusive COBRA WAVE CRUSHER with COBRA SUB VIPER (1 pc) $30
2015 12″ G.I. JOE Lost Talker Action Pilot (1 pc) $44.99
2015 12″ G.I. JOE Lost Talker Action Sailor (1 pc) $44.99
2016 12″ GIJoeCon Eight Ropes of Danger & Dive Into Darkness Convention Set (1 pc) $310
2016 GIJoeCon Exclusive Sky Patrol Jump 6-pack (1 pack) $40
2016 GIJoeCon Exclusive Cobra Jump 6-pack (1 pack) $40
2016 GIJoeCon Exclusive Sky Striker (1 pc) 125
2016 GIJoeCon Exclusive Beer Stein with Sky Patrol Logo (handwash only) 1 pc $5
2016 GIJoeCon Exclusive Sky Patrol T-Shirt Size Medium (1 pc) $12.99
2016 G.I. Joe Club/Transformers Club Crossover Exclusive 5 pack(Scarlett Ninja Force, Dr. Sidney Biggles-Jones, Cobra Commander, Megatron, Ratbat) 1 set$119
2016 G.I. JOE CLUB/Transformers Club Crossover Only Human RODIMUS PRIME Figure (1 pc) $23.99
2016 G.I. JOE CLUB/Transformers Club Crossover Only Human ARCEE Figure (1 pc) $23.99
GI Joe 12″ Adventure Team Walkie Talkie Set (2 ea per pkg) 1 set $4
GI Joe 12” Female Military Fatigue Set (1 pc)$4
Also note about Convention hotel. The block has filled on some nights. The hotel is watching and will add rooms as long as they can to the nights that have run out. Please let us know if you have any issues. We should be able to accommodate everyone at the Marriott.
The G.I. Joe Collectors Club has posted another image this morning with three more samples of FSS 6.0 figures from China. In this image we get our first look at the actual samples for W.O.R.M.S. Officer, Rampart, and Not Ghost Rider.
The more I see the Phantom X-19 pilot the more I like his build, though in this image he looks a little bit short and squat. Rampart remains one of my favorite looking figures in the sixth FSS, with this image outlining some of the nice highlights of his modern parts, though his missing head scarf looks a lot more noticeable than I thought it might given the early digital mock ups.
W.O.R.M.S. Officer is pretty lackluster, to be honest. I mean basing him off General Mayhem makes sense, leveraging the officer’s jacket, but the restrictive articulation and the difference between torso and arms just ends up looking ridiculous. Not a big fan of the overall look here.
In the rush of HasCon news, the G.I. Joe Collectors Club dropped a little reveal showcasing what looks to be their first in hand samples of upcoming Figure Subscription Service 6.0 figures.
Things look like they’re coming together fairly nicely. Skip’s build isn’t bad, though I’m not wild about that webgear riding up on his torso. Sub Zero is decent enough, though that parka tooling is pretty restrictive. I understand the desire to give him his hood, but there are times when it’s okay to modernize someone’s look to improve functionality.
Dojo looks pretty good in the background there, too, and I think he’ll look pretty awesome alongside TJBang from the 2014 Convention set.
Wow! Once again, huge props to Chris McLeod from The Full Force who has come through HUGE upon returning from his whirlwind trip to JoeCon. He was kind enough to send along video reviews for all of the rest of the JoeCon exclusives and they have all been posted to the GeneralsJoes YouTube Channel.
I couldn’t make JoeCon again this year, a fact that I was quite disappointed about, and Chris came through in a massive way. Huge thanks to Chris from The Full Force and check out the embedded videos below.