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G.I. Joe Convention 2017 Maverick

MaverickB.A.T. Squad LeaderCobra B.A.T.BackstopDee Jay
COBRA CorrosionLaser ViperSky Serpent w/ Laser Viper OfficerMarauder SnowmobilesBAT Rocket Packs
Conquest X36Con Set Recap

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One year after the movie Top Gun changed the landscape of fighter jet films, a pilot joined BattleForce: 2000 named “Maverick”.  Coincidence?


As far as pilot figures go, Maverick didn’t blow my socks off (notice a trend with these BattleForce: 2000 characters yet?).  A strange flight suit with bizarre chest armor and  a flat out weird flight helmet all add up to a bizarre amalgamation that doesn’t really fit the specialty.  Not as detailed or realistic as Slipstream, not quite as unique or interesting as Ace, Maverick just kind of hovered in between and didn’t make much of an impact.


Heck, he didn’t stick around long enough to make much of an impact.

So what could they do with this current iteration of Maverick to improve on him?  Well, turns out they did a pretty good job.  The figure is tall and slender, much more streamlined than the vintage version, and while this more stylized helmet somewhat resembles Maverick’s, it looks a lot cooler (in my mind).  Bulky arms and legs fill out the flight suit style quite nicely and the modern parts provide decent articulation and sculpting crammed full of excellent  detail.  I actually love Maverick’s build a lot more than I thought I would.  Unlike the vintage figure it looks and feels much more like a flight suit, but with the addition of Matt Trakker’s armor system, still retains that technical look of the original BattleForce: 2000 pilot.


The updated parts, the updated helmet, and you have a pretty awesome new version of the character which actually makes me wish he wasn’t dead.



Maverick comes with a great helmet (repurposed from Rise of COBRA among other places) a reproduction of his vintage submachine gun and a removable pistol that slides back into a holster on his right hip.  Great accessories, all told, and unlike many of the vintage weapons, I actually don’t mind this one at all.


Maverick’s a really solid update to the original.  Great flight suit build, cool accessories that compliment it, and a paint scheme that pays homage while still feeling somewhat fresh.  Good job on this one.

BattleForce: 2000 Maverick
  • Character
  • Sculpt
  • Articulation
  • Paint Deco
  • Accessories


Yay a removable helmet! Of course it’s not a NEW head or helmet, but we all take our small victories somewhere. In all seriousness, Maverick is a really solid update to a mostly subpar original version, with a great looking flight suit, modernized helmet, and vintage accurate color scheme. He’s not going to win any “best of” awards, but he’s a good update and the figure feels fresh.


G.I. Joe Convention 2017 Dodger

MaverickB.A.T. Squad LeaderCobra B.A.T.BackstopDee Jay
COBRA CorrosionLaser ViperSky Serpent w/ Laser Viper OfficerMarauder SnowmobilesBAT Rocket Packs
Conquest X36Con Set Recap

As the lone survivor from BattleForce: 2000’s ill-fated mission to Trucial Abysma, Dodger has gained somewhat mythical status in G.I. Joe lore.  He became an active character in my dio-stories for that reason and when Bench Press comics was poised to reinvigorate the G.I. Joe comic license, Larry Hama’s team featured Dodger front and center.  For that reason, he’s generally the central focal point of most everyone’s BattleForce: 2000 memories, myself included.

This current iteration of Dodger does a pretty good job of updating him for modern day action.  While not excellent, the new head sculpt does the job it’s meant to do (though without the microphone, grumble, grumble) and looks a lot better than Avalanche and Blocker.  Dodger uses some great modern parts with excellent articulation (I will always love those arms) that retain some of the vintage aesthetic, yet also look nicely modernized.

Dodger has a great muted paint scheme, evocative of his vintage look with well orchestrated camouflage patterns on his legs and a great combination of gray and green to mimic his vintage look.  I love that they gave him the brown tank top underneath the armor as well, and all told, this is a pretty great modern interpretation of the BattleForce: 2000 field commander.  I still wish they were able to give him his microphone and dangit where are all of my removable helmets?!?


Dodger comes with his familiar crazy two-handled rocket launcher (with spiked knuckles, naturally) as well as a great shotgun.  As far as BattleForce: 2000 weapons go, Dodger’s might be the one I hate the least, and I’m a big fan of the shotgun (and love the fact that they included the shells on his wrist).  Like the other members of the convention set, he doesn’t come with a lot of gear, but what he comes with makes sense.

The Club did Dodger right.  Well, about as right as we can expect these days with non-removable helmets and no microphones, I suppose.  Those additional details would have put this figure over the top, but as it stands, it’s a pretty decent addition to the ever-growing army of modern era characters.

BattleForce: 2000 Dodger
  • Character
  • Sculpt
  • Articulation
  • Paint Deco
  • Accessories


Great paint, a decent new head sculpt and good figure build combines to give us a really nice update to Dodger, the BattleForce: 2000 team leader. While not perfect, he’s pretty good and is up there with Blaster among my favorites in this boxed set.


G.I. Joe Convention 2017 Blocker

MaverickB.A.T. Squad LeaderCobra B.A.T.BackstopDee Jay
COBRA CorrosionLaser ViperSky Serpent w/ Laser Viper OfficerMarauder SnowmobilesBAT Rocket Packs
Conquest X36Con Set Recap

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Blocker holds the dubious distinction of being my favorite vintage BattleForce: 2000 figure, narrowly eclipsing Dodger.  Dodger is my favorite character, but Blocker was always my favorite figure.

The modern version?  Not so much.


Don’t get me wrong, Blocker isn’t a bad figure, he’s got some redeeming qualities, but he doesn’t stand above and beyond the crowd.  A lot of that is do to his head sculpt.  Where the vintage Blocker had a great look with a lot of personality, this version has the same soft sculpt issues as Avalanche, but the worst issue is the paint on the face with the cross-eyed, vacant stare.  I’m not sure if this is a persistent problem on all Blockers, but it certainly was with mine.  The hat itself fits nicely and there is a bit more detail on the face (better than Avalanche, not as good as Blaster) so it’s not terrible, but the eyes do take away from the overall look of the figure.


From a parts perspective, Blocker is great from the waist up.  A good selection of modern parts gives him a slender, well-articulated look, and I always applaud the use of the G.I. Joe: Retaliation G.I. Joe Trooper vest.  One of my favorite accessories.  Unfortunately, below the waist, the figure suffers from the use of those horrid armored legs from Snake Eyes that look awful and restrict ankle movement.  I have no idea why these legs continue to be used, as I think any benefit to vintage resemblance is completely eliminated by the way they look and move.  I am not a fan of these legs at all.

The Club did a good job with paint applications on the figure, nicely mirroring the dark gray and brown camouflage, and you can immediately tell this is Blocker.  The head is unique, the colors work and overall the figure doesn’t look terrible, he just no longer sits as one of my favorites.


And of course the other remaining issue is the lack of a visor on his hat which is a real shame.  It seems redundant to continue complaining about these additional face pieces that the Club didn’t include with these new heads, but I’m doing it anyway.  Humor me.



Blocker follows the formula we’ve seen, including a reproduction of his vintage weapon as well as a more modern one, this time being a great shotgun that he holds exceedingly well.  I’m a big fan of this weapon and love its inclusion here (much moreso than his vintage weapon which I’m not a big fan of).


Blocker is good, but not great, mostly due to his head sculpt, lack of a visor, and use of the lower legs.  There is potential there, but it feels like some potential lost.

BattleForce: 2000 Blocker
  • Character
  • Sculpt
  • Articulation
  • Paint Deco
  • Accessories


From neck to knees (including the arms) this is a great figure, but the face paint on a blah head sculpt docks some points, as does the weird armored lower legs. I know the Club was going for vintage aesthetic, but I hate those legs, and their use on Blocker has not changed that opinion at all. He’s got a great shotgun and I dig his deco, but there’s a lot about this figure that could have been better.


G.I. Joe Convention 2017 Blaster

MaverickB.A.T. Squad LeaderCobra B.A.T.BackstopDee Jay
COBRA CorrosionLaser ViperSky Serpent w/ Laser Viper OfficerMarauder SnowmobilesBAT Rocket Packs
Conquest X36Con Set Recap

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An interesting thing has happened with the release of the BattleForce: 2000 convention set… I’ve been somewhat forced to go back and look at the original figures and I’ve been somewhat surprised about the realization that BattleForce: 2000 as a concept, something that never worked for me with the vintage aesthetic, is a lot more appealing in their modern forms.


Blaster is a perfect example of this.  While I appreciated what they were going for back in 1987 with the cool futuristic battle helmet, the thick torso armor and padded legs, the figure looked a little off, as did most of the Battleforce: 2000 figures back in the day.  Rather than look bulky and imposing like the majority of the 90’s figures did, they looked mostly chubby and clunky.


That problem has been mostly resolved with these modern figures, especially in Blaster’s case.  While the majority of the new head sculpts for the convention figures look soft and lack crisp features, Blaster seems to be the best of the bunch.  His helmet looks great and has some cool sculpted detail throughout, and the face actually looks like a real person, not a facsimile of one. The choice of relatively modern parts gives him a streamlined, yet reinforced look and feel, but he has some really great articulation in spite of that.  Unlike the vintage figure, he manages to look futuristic and well equipped without being overstuffed and mal-proportioned.

Interestingly, my favorite part of this figure are his legs.  They use a combination of two different legs for the uppers and lowers, yet they fit together seamlessly and look great, but also look nicely different and don’t immediately resemble already existing parts.  A nice combination.


Like the vintage figure, Blaster is a nice green shade throughout with some pretty interesting camouflage placement on the chest and legs, with hints of blue trim.  He matches the vintage figure fairly well, but makes improvements in some key areas, which is appreciated.  The removable holster is definitely a cool element as well.

It would have been nice if the figure had come with a removable mask as the vintage version did, those seem to be some key pieces of all of these BattleForce: 2000 figures that were neglected in pretty much every case, which is a shame.  Investing in tooling for a new head, you’d think masks and mouthpieces could be accommodated for as well.  Personally I’d rather have had the masks or microphones over the reproduced vintage guns (since most of them are somewhat ludicrous) but the Club elected to go the other way.



Blaster isn’t loaded with gear.  He comes with his stand, a reproduction of his vintage weapon and a machine gun that I believe was originally released with the Retaliation G.I. Joe Trooper.  A small selection of weapons, but one that makes sense, and while the Club is releasing the vintage weapons with these figures, I’m glad they’ve also elected to include other weaponry as well that feels a bit more functional and less ornamental.


Blaster is probably one of my favorite figures in the boxed set.  He’s got good colors, great articulation and a decent parts selection all combining together into a fun figure that is a decent update (and actually even an upgrade) to the original.

BattleForce: 2000 Blaster
  • Character
  • Sculpt
  • Articulation
  • Paint Deco
  • Accessories


Although I had to deduct some points from a missing mask and non-removable helmet (seriously, these are modern era figures, I don’t get why we can’t get removable helmets anymore) Blaster hits all the right points otherwise. Great colors, a much improved, streamlined look compared to the original, and overall just a really fun figure, which honestly, I did not expect. Good stuff.


G.I. Joe Convention 2017 Avalanche

MaverickB.A.T. Squad LeaderCobra B.A.T.BackstopDee Jay
COBRA CorrosionLaser ViperSky Serpent w/ Laser Viper OfficerMarauder SnowmobilesBAT Rocket Packs
Conquest X36Con Set Recap

Avalanche epitomizes everything that I didn’t really like about BattleForce: 2000 back in the 80’s.  His helmet is strangely shaped and doesn’t make much sense, his uniform attempts to look armored and padded, but just kind of looks fat, and his weapon is a bizarre radar dish on a block of metal that doesn’t manage to look especially futuristic or even very interesting.  Combine that with the fact that I’ve never loved arctic figures to begin with, and I didn’t find a whole lot to love about Avalanche back in the day.

I don’t find a whole lot to love about this one either.

While I like the use of Retaliation Firefly’s torso and the way they combined armored pieces on the right shoulder, the rest of the figure feels relatively blah.  His slender legs and knee-high metal boots are an interesting contrast and provide some great range of motion, but the use of 25th Anniversary Iron Grenadier Destro arms completely kills any sense of decent articulation with this figure.  Elbows that only bend at a 45 degree angle should really be banned from all future use, no matter how accurate they might look to the source material.  Aesthetically they are intriguing, but functionally they disappoint, preventing the figure from carrying any weapon in a realistic way.

Like several of the other BattleForce team members, Avalanche gets a new head sculpt, but I gotta tell you, it’s not real pretty.  The head bleeds into the helmet and ends up looking pretty uncomfortable for poor Avalanche.  Sculpt wise, the face is smooth and flat and unfeatured and just does not do the figure any justice whatsoever.

Using the vintage figure as a template, Avalance is mostly white with assorted brown camouflage and the paint scheme is fine, though again, nothing too special.


Like the other BattleForce members, Avalanche comes with a reproduction of his vintage weapon as well as a modern weapon as well, and I actually really love the sniper rifle he comes with.  It’s a great choice.  The radar dish weapon, not so much.  Also, it would have been great if his microphone could have been sculpted and tooled alongside the helmet, but the Club elected not to do so, apparently.  Avalanche also comes with a removable knife for a sheath on his left thigh.

Avalanche was never my favorite BattleForce: 2000 figure and he remains my not favorite one today.  The head sculpt is soft and not up to spec for what I expect from a modern G.I. Joe figure.  Not the best foot forward here.

BattleForce: 2000 Avalanche
  • Character
  • Sculpt
  • Articulation
  • Paint Deco
  • Accessories


There unfortunately isn’t a whole lot to love here. The head sculpt isn’t great and it gets little better from there, with old school arms that don’t move well, an uninspired and boring paint scheme and a lack of a key accessory which would have shown some real initiative in producing. As we’re expected to pay more and more for these limited run exclusives, the value seems to be getting less and less, which is not a great combination.
