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What’s on Joe Mind Special Edition 47 – JoeCon in Loveland!

Seems strangely appropriate that the next G.I. Joe Convention would be in “Loveland” Colorado…and the guys (and girl!) from What’s On Joe Mind have finally recorded some new content to talk about JoeCon’s 2016 location!

A warm welcome to new contributor Joe Colton as well as Colorado native (and kickass artist) Troy McKie who comes on to talk about his home state and what to do in or around Loveland.

Check out the latest special edition at our Podbean site, or embedded below.

Whoa! What happened to Special Edition #46?! Well, we’re still working on it.  In the meantime, we moved on to #47 to react to the GIJCC’s JoeCon site announcement. This year we are finally headed back west as a tiny burg named Loveland will enter our lexicon next to such cities as San Francisco, Dallas, New Orleans…and yes, Indianapolis.  What is there to see and do in the area? As always our intrepid crew tracks down a local to fill us in with the info that only locals know. So sit back, relax and listen to the gang re-assembling to talk about JoeCon 2015 – in Loveland, Colorado…and as always, sharing dirty stories about one Noted Author. You don’t want to miss it!!

G.I. Joe Collectors Club reveals 2016 Incentive Pythona!

Ohh yeah… I’ve been waiting for this one ever since it was announced at JoeCon earlier this year. Finally, after 28 years, for the first time ever, we’re getting a Pythona action figure!

Cobra La is a polarizing element of the G.I. Joe mythology, but fans at large seem to be unified in the fact that Pythona was a necessary addition to their G.I. Joe collections. Well, the Collectors’ Club has officially filled that void, and filled it pretty darn nicely.

Featuring what looks to be a new head, new hands, and possibly a new cloak (or perhaps the comic pack Storm Shadow cloak), most of the heavy lifting is being done with very intricate and detailed paint applications.

I’m pretty surprised with how nice it looks. I had some concerns that without significant new tooling this figure couldn’t be done right, but based on the Photoshop mock up at least, those concerns were for naught. This is a great looking figure, and it will feel fantastic to finally have Pythona in my display.

Check out the image below, and keep watching for all the details. If you want Pythona, make sure you’re a member of the G.I. Joe Collectors Club as of March 16th. You’re not gonna want to miss this one!


GIJCC Lost Talkers now available in the store for immediate shipping!

Hey, all you 12″ fans, remember how mad you were when Hasbro wasn’t celebrating the 50th Anniversary?  Well the G.I. Joe Collectors Club has just received the 12″ Lost Talkers!  Immaculately recreated from the vintage designs with great new talking ability they are in the store and ready to ship now!  Check out the YouTube video below with the press release following.

At long last, the G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club is producing the last two figures in the very popular “LOST TALKER” series that started with the G.I. JOE “LOST TALKER” ACTION SOLDIER and the G.I. JOE “LOST TALKER” ACTION MARINE a few years back! These figures are not “lost” because they were never produced, rather because they feature two voice phrases that were recorded back in the 1960s but not included on the original figures released in 1967.

These NEW Club figures have been meticulously reproduced, featuring boxes and uniforms that stay true to the original but are made with today’s best digital production tools. Hear the original “voice of G.I. Joe” as never before as the ORIGINAL recordings are presented with a modern electronic voice box and crystal clear clarity! Many collectors have original talking figures from the vintage G.I. Joe line, but none of them sound like this!  Rediscover the magic of your own G.I. Joe figure announcing his service branch and that he is “reporting for duty” along with 7 other phrases – PLUS – two phrases that were thought “lost” to the vaults of time. These figures feature the ORIGINAL recordings you recall from your childhood and two that were NEVER used until NOW!

Order your G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club exclusive LOST TALKER ACTION SAILOR and LOST TALKER ACTION PILOT today! For a preview of the figures, check out the video here.



NEW G.I. Joe LOST TALKERS coming from the G.I. Joe Collectors Club!

9/8/2015 – NEW from the G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club!

For Immediate Release

At long last, the G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club is producing the last two figures in the very popular “LOST TALKER” series that started with the G.I. JOE “LOST TALKER” ACTION SOLDIER and the G.I. JOE “LOST TALKER” ACTION MARINE a few years back! These figures are not “lost” because they were never produced, rather because they feature two voice phrases that were recorded back in the 1960s but not included on the original figures released in 1967.

These NEW Club figures have been meticulously reproduced, featuring boxes and uniforms that stay true to the original but are made with today’s best digital production tools. Hear the original “voice of G.I. Joe” as never before as the ORIGINAL recordings are presented with a modern electronic voice box and crystal clear clarity! Many collectors have original talking figures from the vintage G.I. Joe line, but none of them sound like this!  Rediscover the magic of your own G.I. Joe figure announcing his service branch and that he is “reporting for duty” along with 7 other phrases – PLUS – two phrases that were thought “lost” to the vaults of time. These figures feature the ORIGINAL recordings you recall from your childhood and two that were NEVER used until NOW!

Pre-order your G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club exclusive LOST TALKER ACTION SAILOR and LOST TALKER ACTION PILOT today!

And check out the EXCLUSIVE video here:

G.I. Joe/Transformers joint exclusives and Wave Crusher w/ Sub Viper are in the Club store!

A pleasant Thursday afternoon surprise today as the G.I. Joe Collectors Club and Transformers Collector Club joint exclusives are now up and ready for purchase in the Club store!

This includes Marissa Fairborne w/ Afterbreaker and Old Snake w/ Stealth B.A.T.s!  The G.I. Joe community has been clamoring for a Transformers crossover for a long time, and now we’re starting to see something develop.  Pretty cool.

Also in the Club store today is the 2015 Vehicle exclusive Wave Crusher w/ Sub Viper.  Links to all three products can be found below.

Check out images for all three products below as well as a pretty cool looking banner to advertise this special event!
