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Images from the Hasbro booth at G.I. Joe Con 2016

Phil from YoJoe is KILLING IT today grabbing images from the Hasbro booth.  Tons of pictures are streaming in, and they’re going up at the YoJoe Photo Gallery, while I’m also mirroring them below.  These figures are looking great, and between Stiletto, Shooter, and Tombstone, I’m feeling like we’ve got some NEW BLOOD to play with here.  Excellent!

Check out some of the images below.

GeneralsJoes Coverage of Hasbro Team Panel from GIJoeCon 2016

Derryl DePriest and Mark Weber were onsite at the G.I. Joe Convention in Loveland and ran the Hasbro Team panel, bringing us all the exciting news on product for 2016!

The focus of 2016 will be figures over vehicles, broken down into 2 Packs and 3 Packs.  These will be offered at Toys R Us and Entertainment Earth.  The two packs will be shipped in cases of 10 allowing for evenly packed offerings, so no more short pack figures!  The roster is as follows:

Two Packs

  • Arashikage Duel

Two Pack of carry forward figures for Pursuit of Cobra Snake Eyes and Renegades Storm Shadow


  • Sinister Allies

What looks to be carry forward versions of the PoC Cobra Viper and 25th Anniversary Iron Grenadier


  • Zombie Patrol

A two pack of carry forward 30th Anniversary Zombie Vipers!


  • Heavy Conflict

A new build for Heavy Duty with Kindle Worlds fan vote Stiletto!


  • Mission Accepted

Duke faces off against a BRAND NEW character in Tombstone.  Hasbro felt strongly that featuring an unmasked Cobra character (and an African American at that) would be a great way to develop the Cobra roster.


Squad Three Packs

  • COBRA Legion

A Cobra B.A.T., new looking Cobra SAW Viper, both led by a female Cobra Officer!  The Cobra Officer will be unmasked and with blonde hair.


  • Special Forces

Dark colored Outback, dark colored Falcon, and the first ever appearance of SHOOTER the mysterious 14th original G.I. Joe member.  Shooter will be based off her appearance in the Devil’s Due comics!

And that’s what we’ve got this year (well, besides the SDCC Convention Set we already know about).  Keep following along, more images from the Hasbro booth are sure to come!

Oh, and so I don’t forget… here’s the final crossword puzzle solution.  Big thanks to Phil at YoJoe for all the pics and thanks to Terry for the live stream!


Hasbro announces extended partnership with Fun Publications for at least 2 more years

In shocking news from the 2016 G.I. Joe Convention, during the Hasbro panel, Derryl DePriest announced that their partnership with Fun Publications would continue through at least 2018.  This news came as a surprise to pretty much everyone involved in the G.I. Joe community, but as someone who was unable to attend this year, I’m looking forward to more opportunities to get together with my friends.

More news incoming!


G.I. Joe Convention Day Three – Here is where it all happens

You wouldn’t know it from the absolute flood of news stories I posted this morning, but Saturday is typically when things really start moving at JoeCon.

The Hasbro Team panel happens today at 11:00am Mountain Time (1:00pm Eastern) and Mark Weber has promised some very cool things to excite G.I. Joe fans.  The Crossword puzzle has been driving us all crazy for a couple of weeks now, it will be awesome to see it filled in right before our eyes.  You can bet even though I couldn’t be in Loveland, I’ll be right here spinning out updates as I can catch them, and greatly looking forward to seeing what’s in store for us for the remainder of 2016.

Then at 3:00pm Mountain time (5:00pm Eastern) the G.I. Joe Collectors Club will be holding their roundtable where they will likely reveal the line up for the very last Figure Subscription Service and perhaps shed some more light on the upcoming Transformers/G.I. Joe 5 Pack.

It’s a bittersweet day, where the news is fast and furious, but you blink a couple of times and it’s all over.  Saturday is no doubt my favorite day at JoeCon with the absolute flurry of activity (plus the after hours events always tend to end strong) and while it will be painful to be watching from the sidelines, I’m excited to see what’s to come.

From the sounds of things, we’ve got some great stuff to look forward to this year, and as G.I. Joe seems to be preparing for the next stage in its eventual evolution, we should all recognize and embrace the greatness of the Real American Hero and marvel at its longevity.  It’s tough to tell what might come next, so hopefully we can take some time to appreciate the three decades of stuff we’ve enjoyed and all the great times we’ve all shared at JoeCon over the years.


G.I. Joe Convention Update – Friday

While package pickup was late last night, the first official day of the 2016 G.I. Joe Convention is today!  Already we’ve seen the parachute drop and panels by Adam Riches and James Kavanaugh, Jr., and some great updates are over at the G.I. Joe Discussion Group on Facebook.  Dave Tree’s Action Man panel is hot on their heels.

Hot ticket item for the Con this year appears to be the carded Pythona, which was apparently sold without limits and burned through very quickly in the Club store.

G.I. Joe Con attendees will be getting their first sneak preview at the sales floor today at 2:00pm Mountain time, which includes the Hasbro booth, but don’t be alarmed if there isn’t much to look at there yet.  Generally Hasbro puts out most (if not all) of their new product AFTER their panel, which happens tomorrow morning at 11:00am Mountain time.

It does look like someone got an advanced sneak peek at the Hasbro booth, and so far they’re just showing the SDCC set (priced at $99.99) but as I said, we can anticipate seeing much more than that tomorrow after their panel.

Stay tuned!