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G.I. Joe Collectors Club reveals carded mock up of Big Boa

Throughout my years as a G.I. Joe collector, I’ve always been an opener.  I rarely keep anything MOC, and much prefer to open my toys for display purposes.  But man, seeing the carded mock up of Big Boa…I can’t lie.  That’s some cool looking stuff.

Over on the G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club Facebook page, they’ve revealed a mock up image of what Big Boa might possibly look like in carded form, and it’s pretty awesome.  Take a look at the mirrored image below, and keep up to date with the latest FSS info on and Facebook.

G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club FSS Announcement – Pricing and structure revealed!

We all knew it would happen shortly after the store launched, and here we go.  The G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club has officially announced the Figure Subscription Service with full details on pricing and the timeline for signing up for the subscription.  This news comes via and the G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club Facebook Page.


The launch of the G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club Figure Subscription Service is imminent; we will notify you the link when we make the service active. While we are loading the final details, here are some things to remember:

1. You must be a member of the G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club to take advantage of the Figure Subscription Service.

2. There is NO reason to rush the site or be in a hurry as this is a build to order system. We will build as many as you order, so we cannot run out. YOU CAN ORDER AS MANY AS YOU WANT, there is no limit.

3. What you do need to be concerned about is the closing date of the subscription service, which ENDS on September 4th at midnight.

4. You can either pay In Full or by Installment. There will be 3 installments. When you subscribe and choose pay by Installment, you will be billed for the first two months’ shipments. Then sometime during the second month, you will be billed for the 3rd and 4th months’ shipments and sometime during the 4th month you will be billed for the final 2 months’ shipments.

5. Your free surprise 13th figure will come with your final shipment during the 6th month.

6. The figures will be shipped in random order. All members receive the same figures each month. The figure pairings will not be preannounced. So if you don’t mind, when you get your shipment each month, PLEASE do not go online and tell what you received. We want each shipment to be a surprise for as many members as possible.

7. The cost is $294 if Paid In Full (plus shipping) or three Installments of $98 (plus shipping). Please note that there is a $3 online processing fee for each billing. We take Visa, Discover or MasterCard. Unfortunately we cannot accept Money Orders or Checks for this offer.

8. If you pick a shipping service that does not include insurance or if you don’t pick the insurance, we do not have any responsibility for replacement of lost or damaged or misdirected orders.

9. If you move or need to change your credit card during the program, you can log into your account and change it there. This will change all of your future FSS billings and shipments. We will also be sending you reminders to check your address and cc before each billing/shipment goes out. We are not responsible for shipments that are lost due to incorrect shipping information on file.

10. We are waiting on the final schedule from China so we don’t know exactly when the first figures will ship. We hope it will be by Christmas. We will announce this as soon as we get the final schedule.

11. Some of the figures (single figures) MAY be available in the Club Store after the subscriber’s figures ship. These will be at a price of $32 per figure. There is no guarantee of availability of any of the figures in the club store. If you want to ensure getting these limited edition figures, you need to subscribe to the service.

G.I. Joe Convention 2012 – G.I. Joe Collectors Club Roundtable – Iceberg!

Good morning!  I apologize about the delay in coverage for this as the Convention quickly turned into a whirlwind yesterday afternoon and evening.  The Collectors’ Club roundtable kicked off yesterday afternoon and much was discussed.

Brian apologized for what happened with the credit card system and revealed some details about how the third party software vendor and service provider could have done some things better.  There were programming errors in the web form they provided and no security package installed within the application as there should have been.  He did took full responsibility for what occurred, and informed us that he used a famous security analyst to uncover the issue and ensure that the new software package had all of the required security.

They discussed quite a bit about the package design for the carded Footloose and the Convention exclusive items, breaking down the numerous paint applications required for each figure.  Also discussed was the upcoming Membership Incentive figures.  For 2013, they are as follows:

  • 12″ Comrade of Action – an undercover Adventure Team agent in Russia
  • 4″ Iceberg!  Borrowing elements from the classic version, but attempting a more modern twist.  No figure picture was shown, but details were revealed.

Speaking a bit on the Figure Subscription Service as well, and showing off those figures at the front of the hall.  They are still testing the software platform for the store, and are hoping to get it online and rolled out shortly.  Still aren’t revealing 100% concrete pricing structure yet, as costs have changed in the manufacturing process over the past 8 months.  The figures for the FSS are essentially a “pre-order” where they will solicit the subscription, and then produce figures based on the demand from the orders.


Hoping to get that launched, again, based on demand, after Wave 1 has settled somewhat, and even have three figures lined up for it:

  • Dragonsky
  • Big Bear
  • Night Force Lt. Falcon

A mock up picture was shown of Dragonsky, but not for the other two.  Big Bear will come with his trusty hat and a new head sculpt, while Lt. Falcon will be similar to the canceled 25th Anniversary Night Force version only with the new sculpted head from the Marauders 7-pack.

Again, I know this posting is late, but keep in mind I do a lot of Live Tweeting and up-to-the-minute news updates from my Twitter Feed.  Check out the images from the presentation below.

no images were found

Update from the G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club in regards to credit card issues

In the minds of many fans over recent days “no news” wasn’t good news when it came to questions about the G.I. Joe/Transformers Collectors’ Club and the potential for credit card security issues.  Over the past month or so, many fans have come forward who used their credit cards with Fun Publications’ online store, finding that fraudulant charges have appeared on their cards.

Well the online store has been shut down for a few days, and today, Brian Savage from the Club has sent the following announcement:

“This is going out to all members:  

Fun Publications wants to take this opportunity to apologize to all of our members. 

After many days of analysis, Fun Publications has determined that there is a security issue with our e-commerce systems.  We appreciate all of you who have sent in your details.  Your help has allowed us to ferret out several different patterns of fraudulent charges that have appeared on some members’ cards (any that have been used over the last year with both the club store and our event registration system).

We have several different internet/networking companies looking into the matter. Unfortunately, as of yet, we have not been able to identify any forcible entry either into our internet service provider’s servers or network.  This is like chasing a ghost through the wires, as unfortunately, the perpetrator did not leave a trail, foot prints or finger prints.

For those of you who have been affected, we apologize for all of your time this has wasted and any inconvenience it has caused you. We understand your frustration as this same type of fraud has happened to everyone in our office on our personal credit cards at some point in the past. Our merchant services provider wants us to remind everyone that even though this can be a huge annoyance for you, the customer, your issuing bank will not hold you responsible for any fraudulent charges that might be placed on your card(s).   

We know that this issue has been a huge topic of discussion on all of the boards for the past few weeks.  However, we are required to investigate to determine and confirm a security issue thoroughly before making any public statements.  This is why we put out a general alert statement two weeks ago.  

Until the analysis is finished (can take several weeks) we don’t know if the shut down by our former (Jan 31st) e-commerce provider caused the security issue or not.  We do know that it has not been limited to those who have purchased before the change to our new provider.

Please, watch your cards closely as this type of security issue appears to be on the increase across the net.  No site is 100% safe.  You may want to consider having any cards you have used with Fun Publications in the last year replaced.

At this time, we do not know how long our e-commerce site will be offline for both the store and registrations.  We will get back to you once we have a solution for this security issue.

Thanks for your support – Brian”

The timing couldn’t be worse for the Club has they approach registration for JoeCon and the potential launch for the Figure Subscription Service.  Hopefully the issues can be resolved soon and we can go back to business as usual.