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Spoiler alert – Figure Subscription Service 7.0 Shipment 2 is arriving in mailboxes

Wow, seems like shipment one just barely arrived.

Well, when you figure the Collectors Club has five short months to roll out two FSS’s, plus the extra 12 bonus figures, I guess they’d better move at a pretty quick pace.

As usual, JE Russel received his figures first (it pays to live close to the Club’s home office, I suppose), and I’m posting them below the “READ MORE” link below to preserve spoilers for those who are into those kinds of things.


G.I. Joe Collectors Club reveals FSS “Treadmark”

Treadmark?  Trademark?  Skidmark?  What’s in a name…

Honestly, when it comes to characters that require $35 modern updates, I wouldn’t put any of the above three on that list, but the Collectors Club revealed their version of the 1988 Desert Fox driver for FSS 7 regardless.

It’s a fine figure, pretty standard parts (though the sweater sleeves combined with the smooth torso is throwing me just a bit).  Check it out at or the mirrored image below.


G.I. Joe Collectors Club FSS 7 reveals!

Once again I’ve been a little delinquent on posting reveals for the G.I. Joe Collectors Club FSS 7, but they have just released an image for their fourth figure – Dreadnok KAOS.


While on the one hand, I’m really  glad they’re dipping into the Concept Case unreleased Pursuit of COBRA items, on the other hand, this was probably my least favorite of those items.  Show me some N.O.M.A.D., Clutch, or Raven’s Wing… or heck, some of those heavy Alley Viper or HISS Drivers, too!

Figure three was revealed a couple of days back, and I gotta be honest, this is one of the coolest figures I’ve seen in a long time.  Yeah, I’m mark for most things General Hawk, but as a kid I LOVED the jet pack version of him (I wish it had been used more in the comic) and I think this is a pretty cool representation.  The colors aren’t quite right, but the build is fantastic and I just love how the figure looks.


Figure #2…  I’m kind of blah.  For a nearly swan song Figure Subscription Service, the last thing we need is yet another COBRA Commander.  And honestly, the Arctic Version was horribly overrated just because it was a canceled figure.  If it had been released, I can almost guarantee nobody would have cared less.

That being said, I’m glad at least that the Club overhauled the parts with more modern choices so the articulation wasn’t quite so bad.  It’s an okay figure, I guess, I just don’t get the hype.


If you like what you see, you can sign up for FSS 7 and go crazy!