by generalsjoes | Jun 16, 2012 | 12" Scale, G.I. Joe, Sideshow
Have you been putting off grabbing your favorite Sideshow Collectibles figures for your G.I. Joe collection? Delay no more! Throughout the weekend, Sideshow is offering $15 off using the code JUNE17. Use this chance to grab some awesome 12″ figures and save money while you’re at it.
Check the link below to check out the entire G.I. Joe library, and I’ve also highlighted some products using banners below.

by generalsjoes | Jun 14, 2012 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Retaliation Toys, G.I. Joe Reviews, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: Retaliation Reviews
Already causing some conflict within the G.I. Joe fandom, the G.I. Joe: Retaliation vehicles continue to be a conundrum to me. Somewhat cheaper feeling plastic, figures that only move at five points of articulation, yet still sporting some very nice improvements on previous releases, and pretty fun vehicles all told.
But do some improvements justify the cost of these new vehicles? In some cases no (you can probably tell which ones I have not been able to justify by the fact that reviews have not been posted on the site yet…) but in some cases, yes. Which category does the HISS fall into? Check out my G.I. Joe: Retaliation Review Page or just hit the link below to find out.
by generalsjoes | Jun 12, 2012 | 12" Scale, G.I. Joe, Sideshow
If you’ve been after a particular Sideshow Collectibles piece, but thought they were sold out, REJOICE. Sideshow Collectibles tells us that they have many G.I. Joe figures and statues back in stock now.
With G.I. Joe: Retaliation apparently out of the picture for 2012, you need something else to spend your G.I. Joe cash on… Click on the links or banners below to buy!
G.I. Joe Collectibles Zartan 12-inch Figure

by generalsjoes | Jun 6, 2012 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comic Reviews, G.I. Joe Comics, G.I. Joe Reviews, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, IDW
Ugh, I’ve been lagging again. With the furious onslaught of G.I. Joe: Retaliation news and so much other stuff happening in my personal life and the fandom, I’ve just lost step a bit with my IDW reviews, but I’m going to endeavor to get back up to speed if at all possible.
Hopefully no one thinks a lack of reviews is any indication of my enjoyment of what IDW is doing, because it is not. I’m still thoroughly enjoying the roller coaster ride of the Real American Hero title especially, though I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little bit happy to see this Blue Ninja saga coming to an end.
To read my full review of what is advertised as the “Conclusion” to the Blue Ninja saga click the Read the Rest of the Story link below.
by generalsjoes | May 29, 2012 | 30th Anniversary, 30th Anniversary Reviews, Dollar Store, Exclusives, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Reviews, G.I. Joe Toys
The figures currently available at Dollar General stores nationwide are causing quite a stir in the community. Hot demand combined with low quantities, and amplified by rumors of a recall (which I believe are totally false, for the record) has all jettisoned these figures towards the top of many fans’ want list.
But how are they really? Once you look past the insane demand, how successfully are these as G.I. Joe figures?
GeneralsJoes gets to the bottom of it! I’ve started with the bad guys first and will review the good guys tomorrow.
First, I do have to say I hope you all accept my apologies…I am still in mid-move, so as a result, my review station isn’t quite as optimal as it has been in reviews past. I’m forced to use the Flash a lot more as I’m having trouble finding consistent lighting sources. The result is that some images are washed out a little more than I would prefer. Also, most of my figures are packed in storage, which has greatly limited my ability to do comparison shots. I’m hoping once I’m settled at the beginning of July, I can straighten things out again and get my reviews back to the level you all expect, but I appreciate your patience until that happens.
Check out the first three reviews on my 30th Anniversary Review page, or linked below!