by generalsjoes | Apr 24, 2009 | Canadian Joe Con, G.I. Joe
The guys at the JoeCanuck message board have finally revealed the full-scale boxed set for their upcoming Canadian Joe Con exclusives. Great presentation, and some very creative ideas have all come together to give us a pretty nice looking set with a unique twist.
Click here to check it all out, and check out the image below:

by generalsjoes | Apr 16, 2009 | Canadian Joe Con, G.I. Joe
With the lead up to the 2009 Canadian Joe Con in full swing, the guys at have posted the latest issue of their Collectors’ Newsletter. You can grab it here.
Measuring in at a whopping 22 pages, it showcases all of the different exclusives available this year at the Canadian JoeCon as well as an awesome preview of a 28-page comic that is slated to be released with the convention sets this year. This comic also features the Dio-Story I produced for the newsletter a while ago, which excites me to no end…it’ll be very cool seeing that work in actual comic book format.
It has all of the information about the latest convention that you could want (which, of course, is also available online at Simply put, there’s a bunch to read, and it’s a free download. How can you beat that? Anyway, grab the PDF here and enjoy!