by generalsjoes | Nov 9, 2016 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Toys, Podcasts, What's on Joe Mind
Holy cow, this is what happens when you don’t post a new episode for a while… the What’s on Joe Mind podcast has posted a new episode of their G.I. Joe podcast, and it’s a big ‘un!
FIVE FREAKING HOURS of content crammed into this tiny audio file, encompassing hours of recording, editing, and production work. Big props to all the work done behind the scenes, and I hope everyone enjoys this latest mammoth episode.
Check it out on our Podbean page or embedded below.
ZOMG! It’s a REAL episode!! Yes, the gang brings you almost FIVE hours of Joe Related Talk…and other subjects…and pointless tangents. Justin was having “family time” so joining us for substitution host duty is Chris McLeod of The Full Force. Since this is our first show since JoeCon (yes, we know it has been that long, but we all have real lives we must live folks), we spend a SIGNIFICANT amount of time in the news doing a day-by-day review of all that went down in Loveland. We also catch up on other topics in the news…all which is old news now, but you can hear what we have to say instead of reading it on a forum or in social media. We also talk to IDW GI Joe artist extraordinaire, Tom Feister as we check in to what projects he has cooking for the rest of the year. All that plus the Joes of 2006 and Inappropriate Cosplay Emails to Joe Colton. We know you will love this new segment! We’ll fill you in with our lives in the real world on our next episode, but for now, enjoy this MEGA show…this should last you a couple of days on your commutes…unless you have a long commute and in that case we hope it makes your trip go by that much more rapidly. Thanks for thinking of us! We appreciate your listener-ship!!

by generalsjoes | Jun 23, 2016 | G.I. Joe, JoeCon 2016, What's on Joe Mind
Along with their exclusive interview with Derryl and Mark, the What’s on Joe Mind folks posted a ton of content from JoeCon including several One Shots and of course the live show to wrap up Con this year.
All of the audio has been posted to the Podbean site and can be checked out below. Hours upon hours of G.I. Joe audio sex!
G.I. Joe Con 2016 Live Panel
G.I. Joe Con 2016 One Shot – Friday Afternoon
G.I. Joe Con 2016 One Shot – Friday Night
G.I. Joe Con 2016 One Shot – Saturday Wrap Up

by generalsjoes | Jun 23, 2016 | G.I. Joe, JoeCon 2016, What's on Joe Mind
The 2016 G.I. Joe Convention is now in the bag, and the What’s on Joe Mind crew has posted a veritable barrage of content straight from Loveland, Colorado!
There are a bunch of links coming up, all of which can be found on the What’s on Joe Mind Podbean page. No doubt the highlight of the Con was the crew’s exclusive interview with Hasbro representatives Mark Weber and Derryl DePriest. After the jump you can also check out “One Shot” shows from the Con floor as well as the Shut out the Lights wrap up panel from JoeCon itself.
Check out the Hasbro interview below.
Exclusive Interview – Mark Weber and Derryl DePriest

by generalsjoes | Jun 13, 2016 | 50th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Toys, Other Toys, Podcasts, What's on Joe Mind
Hold onto your butts… What’s on Joe Mind is here with Episode 104, just recorded last week and ready to roll for JoeCon 2016! We cover the latest news, talk about the Joes of 2004, and lose track of what we’re saying consistently for nearly two hours. Just another day at the WOJM studio.
You can listen to the episode on Podbean, or the embedded player below.
Show Notes
We talk about the Joes from 2004, catch up on the news, begin to set the table of what will happen at JoeCon…and generally get side tracked – A LOT. Download it now and listen to it on your way to JoeCon!
Speaking of JoeCon, be sure to catch Mike, Gary, Joe and Chris McLeod from the Full Force at our JoeCon panel on Sunday, June 19th at 1:00. It will be the last ever panel at JoeCon. Join us as we turn out the lights…forever (maybe, maybe not, we will see – we’re looking at you Hasbro!)
If you have not signed it already, be sure to sign our petition to Save the GI Joe Convention! If you want a Joe-only convention like us, make sure you sign the petition and let the powers-that-be know what you think! More than 2500 people have signed. Sign on the campaign today!
G.I. Joe in 2004
News and Intel

by generalsjoes | May 20, 2016 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Toys, Kindle Worlds, Podcasts, What's on Joe Mind
G.I. Joe fans have been asking, and we’ve been hearing…it’s been a while since the What’s on Joe Mind Podcast was updating regularly, but us and our esteemed editor are working hard to get back on track!
Episode 103 has just been posted to our What’s on Joe Mind Podbean page, and while it’s still lagging a few months, we are making our way back to cover all of the latest G.I. Joe news and toy hobby discussions. Check out Episode 103 on Podbean, or the embedded player below.
It’s the Christmas in…May edition! Yes, yes, this is another one of those episodes we recorded months ago and are just now getting around to finish editing and posting it. In this episode, we have a hearty discussion about the Joes from 2003. In the news we spend a lot of time talking with Justin about working with Hasbro for the Fan’s Choice Kindle World’s Character voting process. Justin also asks Joe about her pie. Yes, it is the truth. It’s a little more than 90 minutes of fun, so have fun listening!

by generalsjoes | Apr 27, 2016 | G.I. Joe, Podcasts, What's on Joe Mind
Yes, G.I. Joe fans, a new episode of the What’s on Joe Mind podcast is available and online at!
This one has been in the hopper for a long time, but hopefully it is worth the wait. Some of the news isn’t necessarily timely, but I hope you’ll come join me, Gary, Mike, and NEW FOURTH CHAIR Joe Colton to kick off the G.I. Joe podcasting whirlwind!
Check out the show notes below and you can either hit up or listen to the embedded player below.
This whole episode will speak for itself. New 4th chair, Joe Colton officially joins the rotation! Zack Hoffman and Brian Cummings join us to talk about JoeCon 2015 in our first ever double-interview. None of this episode is timely – AT ALL, but we hope you enjoy it nevertheless. We have two more shows in the “can” that we will be working on in the coming weeks. So, something to look forward to. In the meantime, help the #savegijoe campaign and sign the petition by going to or
Thanks to everyone for their patience and understanding during our “hiatus.” It has been a busy year-of-change for all of the hosts.