by generalsjoes | Sep 19, 2017 | Uncategorized
I was eleven years old when I first set foot in Toys “R” Us. Back then, in the 80’s going to Toys “R” Us wasn’t a shopping trip, it was a pilgrimage. These days, with millions of toys at your fingertips it’s easy to forget the feeling of walking into that mammoth store, stacked floor to ceiling with nothing but toys.
Imagine being an eleven year old kid, an absolute action figure and toy freak, and going to your first Toys “R” Us. Action figures were in aisle 7c back then, somehow I knew that, I have no idea how, and I swiftly navigated my way through stacks of diagonal bicycles, frantically looking at the aisle signs, looking for those two precious characters.
It was a life changing moment for young me.
For the whole trip down to the store, I had dreamed of what I would find, and recently becoming enamored with the Silverhawks animated series, I desperately hoped beyond hope that this mythical toy mecca would have them.
They did.
I walked out with a handful of chrome, plasticy goodness (long since sold, I’m afraid to say) and my post-Toys “R” Us life would never be the same.
The retail toy giant announced that they officially filed Chapter 11 yesterday, in hopes for another restructuring and delaying of debts so that they might find a way to continue to survive. But with this being their second attempt at restructuring in the face of retail giants like Wal-Mart, Target, and Amazon, one must wonder just how much longer they have left, and then the kid in me dies just a little bit inside.

I can, more or less, go to Toys “R” Us any time I want to now. It’s an hour drive, but I’m an adult with a car. It doesn’t quite mean the same thing to me now as it did back then, but I still remember the look on each of my daughters’ faces the first time they set foot in those hallowed halls. The feeling that generations of children might never experience that same feeling makes me sad.

Let’s all hope that this announcement prolongs the toy giant’s life and doesn’t lead to yet another downturn in the recently failing brick and mortar retail market.
by generalsjoes | Aug 24, 2017 | Uncategorized
I’m unreasonably excited about this, mostly due to the bad ass design aesthetics of the Exo-Suit.
With the posters and concept art shown off at NJCC, MJ had said to expect the Kickstarter soon, and soon means NOW. Featuring the introduction of the K-9, the Exo-Suit and the Contract Ops Marauder Task Force figure, this Kickstarter also introduces a ton of new, exciting colors to your existing Task Force and Valkyries squads.
Personally, I’m all about this Exo-Suit. With a ton of customizable parts there looks to be an infinite number of combinations not just for suit pieces, but also for different elements of the suit to connect directly to the figures themselves. Truly awesome looking stuff from Marauder and the design wizards at Boss Fight Studio.
As of this writing, the Kickstarter stands at $26,000 and I expect it to blast through funding quickly before moving on to some stretch goals, so let’s get this cranking! Daddy needs a camouflage Exo-Suit!
by generalsjoes | Jun 15, 2017 | JoeCon 2017, Uncategorized
The display boards have been posted at JoeCon 2017! Check out all of the exclusives below. Huge thanks to Phil from YoJoe and Chris from The Full Force for the quick info!
by generalsjoes | Mar 14, 2017 | Uncategorized
Looking for Group is an award-winning webcomic that has thrilled and amused fantasy fans for a long time, and the next evolution made sense… one of the main characters of Looking for Group, Richard the Warlock in action figure form can be found on Kickstarter!
I will admit I know little to nothing about the comic or the character, but it was designed by Catrina from Boss Fight Studio alongside Blind Ferrett, and my good friend Ryan worked on the project as well, which means I’m going to send some props their way to help this thing get off the ground.
This Kickstarter is unique in another way as well… as part of a new “One-and-Done” initiative, these Kickstarters run for just one week and feature just a single tier of support, reducing quite a bit of complexity and streamlining the process for a very swift funding opportunity. As a result, you don’t have much time to help this product reach virtual shelves.
Don’t wait! This looks like a really fun action figure and it’s in scale with all of your favorite 1:18 toy lines. Check out and support the Kickstarter you won’t regret it!
by generalsjoes | Mar 10, 2017 | Uncategorized

ANIMAL WARRIORS OF THE KINGDOM™ Series One: will consist of Ape, Canine, and Feline warriors, including the series main protagonist the albino ape Pale and he’s vile nemesis Baron Kah Lee. Each figure features 17 points of articulation as well as removable armor and weapon accessories.
THE FIGURES: are 1:18 scale figures similar to G.I. Joe, Marvel Universe, H.A.C.K.S, Marauders Task Force, Dime Novel Legends, Eagle Force Returns, Zombie Lab and Hellscreamerz figures. The figures are sculpted, colored and faithful of the comic book source material while remaining highly detailed with have great crossover potential for lines like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S.!
Kickstarter Launches May 1st

PALE: ADVENTURE ARMOR -The young albino ape king sports his trademark Mohawk and red armor while wielding the ability to absorb his fallen enemies powers; however this gift comes at a great cost as their ghosts become attached to him and slowly drive him mad!

BARON KAH LEE – The evil leader of the horrid, bent on dethroning Pale and taking the crown for himself. The supreme commander of the vile horrid will stop at nothing until all animal kind kneels before him. Create Kah Lee’s Elite Guard with alternate head accessory.

LEON: This traveling hero roams from town to town fighting for honor and revenge. His people were among the first to be displaced and enslaved by the Baron’s rein. The first of Several Feline and Canine Figures we will offer.

CHUNARIAN SOLDIERS -These heroic soldiers make up the backbone of the Chunarian army and guard the walls of the sanctuary jungle city of Chuh-Nar from enemies of every kind. Create the Captain of the Guard with alternate head accessory. The first of Three army builders offered in the initial assortment.
by generalsjoes | Dec 11, 2016 | Uncategorized
It’s looking like a Merry Christmas!
The fine folks over at Marauder “Gun Runners” have sent an email to let backers now that all Valkyrie figures from the Kickstarter campaign have been shipped!
Not only that, but they’re coming with a special bonus as well… with extra torsos included for all. Check out the full email below… I can’t wait to get my hands on these figures, they look awesome!
Dear “814 Valtaskers!”
All orders have shipped! We shipped international orders first and then domestic orders. Our intention was for “most” of the orders to arrive “around” the same time. Everyone should have received an email with tracking (that is if you provided the correct email address and we correctly entered the info). If you didn’t get tracking, check your spam folder. Still no tracking, contact us at:
If you encounter any issues after you receive your Kickstarter reward package, PLEASE be so kind as to contact us FIRST at: BEFORE posting on facebook or the message boards. We don’t read all the posts on social media or on the various sites, so the only way we’ll know there is any type of error and be able to correct that issue is if you do us the courtesy of letting us know!
EVERY Kickstarter reward package received at least ONE bonus Valkyries female T-shirt torso. To place the t-shirt torso on the figure, just “pop” off the fatigue torso and “pop” on the t-shirt torso. No need to go “Hulk” on the body parts, they should easily separate and stay securely attached. In addition, EVERYONE that ordered a Recon Ops female Valkyries figures ALSO received a bonus fatigue torso (in addition to the t-shirt torso). Also, everyone that ordered the black Night-Ops figure received a set of armored forearms and a set of cloth forearms for each figure. To change the forearms, Just warm up the upper arms of the figure in hot water to swap the forearms. Side note, we were able to add Marauder “Gun-Runners” bonus pens to only some orders, since we received the pens very late in the packing/shipping process.
Here are some quick solutions to possible questions after you get your items:
-When attaching the clear visors to the flight helmets, do NOT insert the entire visor into the slit on the front of the helmet. Push the tiny black knob on the visor through the helmet slit from INSIDE the helmet. After insertion, adjust the position of the visor so it can easily be moved up & down.
-The removable Hood works BEST with BALACLAVA HEADS. If you put the hood on other heads, it can be difficult to remove the head from the hood . Again, BEST to use the hood with the Balaclava heads.
-Peg holes on the foot bottom of the tan Desert Ops Valkyries are TOO big for our IDS stands (only the tan female figure has the peg issue, all other versions are fine). “Corrected” feet are on the way to us, but we did not want to hold up the orders for the feet. So, if the peg hole is an issue, we can add replacement feet to a future order.
-The peg for the rifle sheath backpack might require a tiny piece of tape around the tip to fit snug in the back hole of some of the figures. We have encountered this on some of the figures and this non-permanent solution corrects any problems.
We required almost everything we received to fill the Kickstarter reservations, so the MTF Valkyries items and the new MTF accessories won’t be live on the website until we receive the rest of the initial shipment. No definite date as of yet, but we hope soon. Rest assured, we have a small reserve amount of the MTF Valkyries items on hand to take care of any errors or mix-ups related to the Kickstarter reward packages.
Again, thank you for your support and we REALLY hope you like the items.
Take care!
MJ & the MGR Team |