Potential Kindle Worlds submitters… don’t spend big time or big cash on your book cover
…because as of right now, you can’t use it, at least for G.I. Joe.
I submitted my entry to the G.I. Joe Kindle Worlds section earlier this week, and after enlisting the generous aid of a fellow G.I. Joe fan and graphic designer (thanks, Brian!) to create a cover for my Price of Peace novel, I was quite dismayed to see that it wouldn’t let me upload my own image for the book cover.
I reached out to Kindle Worlds support, and was told that Hasbro has only provided them the copyright access for some pre-designed covers that they have supplied for use for Kindle Worlds submitters. The pre-designed covers contain mostly package art for various vehicles and characters, but unfortunately are pretty uninspired.
I was extremely impressed with the cover design that I received from Brian of Emagine, and equally unimpressed that the Kindle Worlds system for G.I. Joe did not allow its use. Thanks, Hasbro! 🙂
It didn’t stop me from submitting the novel (which is currently under review) but for folks who are considering the same, don’t spend hours (or dollars) designing a cover, as of right now, it will be time and money wasted.
Check out Kindle Worlds right here.