by generalsjoes | Jun 18, 2016 | JoeCon 2016, Marauder "Gun Runners"
As if there wasn’t enough news already!
By all accounts the Marauder Gun Runners booth at JoeCon is hopping, and in the midst of all the eager Task Force fans, Marauder has revealed some amazing new items coming in 2017!
First and foremost, what looks to be a Task Force compatible Exo-Suit (think Edge of Tomorrow type of thing) and a fully articulated military K-9! Articulated animals are something that fans have been clamoring for throughout the years that I’ve been a member of the community and it’s pretty fantastic to see some of those dreams realized. The images aren’t great I’m trying to get someone to take some better ones) but you can get an idea of what’s coming from Marauder. Also in their booth are some test shots of upcoming items to be released including lower arms without armor and some new vests and accessories previously unrevealed!
Also, somehow I missed this news tidbit, but physical samples of the Valkyrie Test Shots have also been released via the Marauder Gun Runners Facebook Page, and those are mirrored below.
This has been an amazing start to JoeCon 2016 and both Hasbro and the G.I. Joe Collectors Club are still to come with their reveals. What an explosive finish to the Fun Publications reign, I desperately wish I was there to enjoy it with everyone else.
by generalsjoes | Jun 18, 2016 | JoeCon 2016
The hits kept coming at JoeCon yesterday, and if you’re in Loveland, be sure to stop by and check out the test shots for Spero’s upcoming Animal Warriors of the Kingdom action figure line that is on Kickstarter right now!
At just over $20,000 raised to date and three weeks left to fund, the AWOK line needs your help! Check out a mirrored image of the test shots below, then consider hopping over to Kickstarter and slamming down a pledge.

by generalsjoes | Jun 18, 2016 | Eagle Force, JoeCon 2016
The Hasbro reveals haven’t quite materialized yet (should be today!) but still exciting news out of JoeCon for Friday.
Over at the Broken Arrow toys booth, some brand spanking new Eagle Force Returns reveals have emerged! And not just figures, but actual playset items as well. Images have been posted over at and some really awesome stuff coming.
I’ve mirrored the images below… but dude…check out the Eagle Island! Holy cow.
Also, over on JoeCustoms, Joe Harris, who has been working with Fresh Monkey on some Eagle Force concepts, has posted some fantastic up close images of the template for the communications dish as well as a nice look at the Eagle Island playset. I’m really loving how this line is coming together and will be earmarking some serious cash for the upcoming Kickstarter.
by generalsjoes | Jun 17, 2016 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2016
While package pickup was late last night, the first official day of the 2016 G.I. Joe Convention is today! Already we’ve seen the parachute drop and panels by Adam Riches and James Kavanaugh, Jr., and some great updates are over at the G.I. Joe Discussion Group on Facebook. Dave Tree’s Action Man panel is hot on their heels.
Hot ticket item for the Con this year appears to be the carded Pythona, which was apparently sold without limits and burned through very quickly in the Club store.
G.I. Joe Con attendees will be getting their first sneak preview at the sales floor today at 2:00pm Mountain time, which includes the Hasbro booth, but don’t be alarmed if there isn’t much to look at there yet. Generally Hasbro puts out most (if not all) of their new product AFTER their panel, which happens tomorrow morning at 11:00am Mountain time.
It does look like someone got an advanced sneak peek at the Hasbro booth, and so far they’re just showing the SDCC set (priced at $99.99) but as I said, we can anticipate seeing much more than that tomorrow after their panel.
Stay tuned!
by generalsjoes | Jun 17, 2016 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2016
It’s Con Set pick up day! That means a first look at all of the various Convention exclusives (aside from the boxed set items). Several different folks on the G.I. Joe Discussion Facebook page have posted images from the pick up line, and the extra exclusives are as follows:
- G.I. Joe Glider 2 Pack w/ Cloudburst and Skymate ($75.00)
- COBRA Heli-Viper 3 Pack ($85.00)
- Sky Patrol JUMP 6 Pack ($55.00)
- COBRA JUMP 6 Pack ($55.00)
- Sky Patrol Sky Sweeper ($68.00)
- COBRA Hydra w/ Aero-Viper ($85.00)
- Sky Patrol Skystriker ($160.00)
- Paradrop Freefall figure (loose $35.00 and carded $45.00)
- Pythona Carded ($38.00)
- Free Attendee Air Raid
The Skystriker and Sky Sweeper are in the familiar Sky Patrol metallic colors, while the majority of the other items are reminiscent of their vintage look and feel. Interestingly the Aero-Viper is very similar to the version released during the Rise of Cobra line, but with some different parts to remove the Neo-Viper-esque ties. Check out all of the images below.
by generalsjoes | Jun 16, 2016 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, JoeCon 2016
Rumor from the convention floor is that product for JoeCon is “stuck in customs” and won’t be at the hotel until late tonight. What that means is Golden Ticket pick up is now slated for around 3:00pm tomorrow, so don’t stay up late tonight to see the news, East Coast. 🙂