by generalsjoes | Oct 2, 2010 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comic Reviews, G.I. Joe Comics, G.I. Joe Reviews, IDW
When this issue was first released, my local comic shop was sold out, so I went without…but during this week’s visit to a different store, they had one kicking around in their new release section, so I scooped it up. When I first grabbed it, I actually didn’t plan on reviewing it because, let’s face it…do folks really want to read a review that’s 2 months out of date?
Well, then I read it…and I felt compelled to talk about it. It also helps that I wasn’t able to find issue #5 of Hearts & Minds, which was supposed to be released this week, so at least I now have some Max Brooks greatness to talk about. Read the review after the jump.
by generalsjoes | Oct 2, 2010 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
I’ve somehow fallen slightly behind in my reviews of the IDW issues as they hit local comic shops. I’ve got a Newbury Comics right across the street that I hit every Wednesday, but work has kept me from it for a bit…so now it’s catch up time!
It would just figure that this is the week when my comic shop visit is delayed, too, because I was especially looking forward to picking up G.I. Joe: Origins #19, with Larry Hama’s return to the “Silent Issue” theme…add to that art by the incredible Joe Benitez, and this is one issue I did NOT want to miss.
How do I feel now that I’ve read it? Well… it was pretty awesome. But certainly not perfect, especially for the series that it appears in. Hit the jump to read the full review.
by generalsjoes | Sep 30, 2010 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, G.I. Joe: Renegades, IDW
With cross-marketing in mind, Hasbro and The Hub obviously plan a blitz of G.I. Joe: Renegades items once the show starts picking up steam, and apparently high on their list of items to produce are comic books. Now, the IDW October Solicitations list mentioned a first issue of G.I. Joe: Renegades as part of their shipping schedule that month, but issues of Previews since then have curiously ommitted the title.
Evidently something is still planned, however, as has two pre-orders posted for the first two volumes of what appear to be G.I. Joe: Renegades Trade Paperback collections of those comics. With posted release dates of February, 2011, you would think the comic should still be slated to hit shortly, but who knows for sure at this point?
Along with the pre-orders, Amazon has also posted a pair of cover images, one featuring the Snake Eyes art we’ve seen before, and a second featuring the familiar Arashikage Clan symbol, which will evidently play a major role in the cartoon series. Check out the pre-orders and the mirrored images below:

Big thanks to GeneralsJoes reader Captain N. for the information!
by generalsjoes | Sep 28, 2010 | 5 Page Previews, Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
Tomorrow is new comic day, and IDW is gracing us with a pair of G.I. Joe related books in the form of the second G.I. Joe: Cobra Special, this time featuring Chameleon. The second book is the fifth issue of G.I. Joe: Hearts & Minds with a look at the Cobra Trooper and G.I. Joe member Blowtorch. Check out the five-page previews for both below.
G.I. Joe: Cobra Special #2
Mike Costa (w) • Antonio Fuso (a & c)
Her name is Chameleon, and she is the Joe’s newest recruit in COBRA II. Now we see the rest of her story—her recruitment, her first mission, and her mysterious connection to… well, you only THINK you know who we’re talking about, as Mike Costa and Antonio Fuso attempt to outdo their previous, critically celebrated Special.
This extra-length Special features an all-new G.I. Joe prose story from the upcoming G.I. Joe: The Cobra War prose anthology!
FC • 40 pages • $4.99
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G.I. Joe: Hearts and Minds #5 (of 5)
Max Brooks (w) • Howard Chaykin, Antonio Fuso (a) • Chaykin, Fuso (c)
From Max Brooks, New York Times best-selling author of WORLD WAR Z, and masterful artists Howard Chaykin and Antonio Fuso comes the next generation of G.I. JOE and COBRA.
“We are the nameless, faceless legion, but once, we were human beings.”—COBRA RECRUITS
“I destroy darkness. I create fire.”—BLOWTORCH
*2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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by generalsjoes | Sep 21, 2010 | 5 Page Previews, Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
The issue hits comic stores tomorrow, and serves as an homage to the original “Silent Issue” from back in the day. There have been countless homages to that legendary comic, but it seems like Larry Hama is really diving into this one to make it something special. What will be the end result? Guess we’ll find out when I post the review tomorrow.
Check out the preview below!
G.I. Joe: Origins #19
Larry Hama (w) • Joe Benitez (a) • Tom Feister (c)
Larry Hama returns along with super-star Joe Benitez (Superman/Batman) and it’s a SILENT ISSUE with SNAKE EYES! Not to steal from Stan but, “ ‘Nuff said.”
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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by generalsjoes | Sep 20, 2010 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
Many Joefans, myself included, are a bit perplexed about the upcoming G.I. Joe: Future Noir limited series. Perhaps because the G.I. Joe universe is somewhat grounded in reality, Joefans have a hard time grasping multiple continuities, and I can certainly understand that. I’m not entirely certain the G.I. Joe fanbase is quite strong enough to leverage all of these different G.I. Joe titles, but in my opinion, with the main book being probably the slowest paced of the bunch, I’m glad IDW is taking those chances.
Then along comes Future Noir. Boasting an anime style and a different take on the G.I. Joe universe, it certainly seems like a neat enough aesthetic…but where is it going, and what does it serve to accomplish? At the root, reading comics are about journeying to a different world, so this will certainly accomplish that, I just hope it’s worth branching out even further from the more familiar G.I. Joe style. I’ll certainly give it a try.
Over on Comic Book Resources, IDW Editor Andy Schmidt talks a bit about the mindset behind Future Noir, and what we can expect:
“Future Noir’ is geared more towards fun, over-the-top adventure. The regular G.I. Joe books are more serious and grounded. ‘Future Noir’ starts off in a world that’s clearly not the one we live in and just balloons out from there,” Schmidt said of the series’ style. “So, from a tone stand point, it’s quite different. Also, it’s a more action-paced story, it starts off in action and hardly ever stops to catch its breath.””
I will admit from what Mr. Schmidt is saying, this does at least sound like a fun ride. I do think sometimes the adult Joefans forget that these toys are playthings and should retain an element of fun. If nothing else, perhaps this series will maintain that atmosphere. Schmidt also adds the following details:
“The series takes place in what Schmidt described as a “not-too-distant future.” “It’s a world with cybernetics, flying mobile bases, underground cults experimenting on genetic structures and creating monsters and so on,” Schmidt said. “It’s still got the military aspects, but this is definitely a different world and a different kind of Cobra.”
The Cobra of “Future Noir” features an all-new terrorist leader, Schmidt told CBR. “There’s a new character front and center called King Cobra, and his design is really great. We’ve got some classic characters like Dr. Mindbender and a few others, but the organization itself is really different than what we’ve seen before. Their goals are a little over-the-top.”
On the Joe side, the series will star Duke and Scarlett, along with Snake Eyes, Sci-Fi, Roadblock and Agent Helix. “They’re both a recognizable cast and a couple hand-picked for this adventure specifically,” Schmidt said. “Sci-Fi wound up being my favorite to write because he had an emotional character arc during the series more than the others. I really enjoyed writing him a lot. And Duke was fun, too.”
I’ll check it out, for sure…I don’t hold much faith that many Joefans will do the same, however. Check out the full interview right here.