by generalsjoes | Jan 22, 2013 | 5 Page Previews, Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
This Wednesday wraps up the latest iteration of IDW’s Cobra series, set to relaunch next month with “The Cobra Files” starting back at issue #1. From all accounts the format is remaining consistent with what we’ve been reading for the past several years, but with the renumbering of other titles, they’re doing the same with Cobra.
Check out the preview for issue #21 below.
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Cobra #21
Mike Costa (w) • Antonio Fuso, Werther Dell’edera (a) • Fuso (c)
OKTOBER ends! The battle between the covert G.I. JOE team and the OKTOBER GUARD takes a turn for the worse as COBRA forces bear down on their location… and they may just manage to eliminate both sides of the conflict. The consequences will be dire and this G.I. Joe team will never be the same again!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
*Variant cover:
Joe Eisma and Juan Castro variant cover!
Bullet points:
- The conclusion to the biggest COBRA story ever told!
- The OKTOBER GUARD vs. G.I. JOE—only one can win!
by generalsjoes | Jan 19, 2013 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
From the looks of the solicitation list, April is going to be the first gung ho month of the IDW G.I. Joe revamp, with all three titles hitting in that particular month. Tons of exclusive covers, lots happening in every title. Not to mention the Hama Real American Hero title is bringing in some very familiar faces.
We get some background into Duke’s history this month, and it occurs to me that this is something that was lacking a bit in the mainstream G.I. Joe title previously. Sure, we got quite a bit of backstory for the team itself, but do we even really know who these people are? Why should we care about them? What are their motivations? I’m looking forward to seeing a little bit more depth to these characters. Maybe a smaller cast of characters will help drive that.
Click the Read the Rest of the Story link below to read the full solicitation list.
by generalsjoes | Jan 17, 2013 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
I think most of us appreciate and understand the geek cred that USA Today writer Brian Truitt brings to the table, and today he’s giving us another gift in the form of an exclusive sneak peek at the upcoming Cobra Files G.I. Joe comic. Along with the flagship title and the emergence of G.I. Joe: Special Missions, IDW’s Cobra themed book is getting a new issue #1, but beyond that, not a whole lot is changing, according to writer Mike Costa.
He has a great interview with Brian Truitt and talks about the make up of the team (pretty much what we see already… Chameleon, Ronin, Flint, and Lady Jaye) and how he likes to play in his little corner of the world.
It sounds like more obscure Cobra characters are in the wings, something I’m exceptionally happy about. I’ve been extremely pleased with pretty much every single thing that Costa and Fuso have done with the Cobra book ever since the beginning, and I’m thrilled that it’s maintaining status quo with this new thematic shift in the mainstream G.I. Joe universe.
Take a peek at this great interview and sneak preview over on USA Today, and to keep up to date with all the latest geek happenings, follow Brian Truitt on Twitter.

by generalsjoes | Jan 15, 2013 | 5 Page Previews, Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
Every day brings us closer to the next launch of G.I. Joe titles from IDW Publishing. Appropriately enough, the current iteration ends its run on issue #21, which is a landmark number when it comes to the G.I. Joe universe. Check out the preview for this big issue below.
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G.I. JOE #21
Chuck Dixon (w) • Will Rosado (a) • Kenneth Loh (c)
General Hawk is retired from G.I. JOE, but COBRA isn’t through with him! A team of elite snakeheads targets the former honcho for capture and interrogation. But old soldiers never die, they kick butt and take names. Big one-against-all action as an outnumbered and outgunned Hawk shows us how he earned those stars.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
*Variant cover:
Robert Atkins variant cover!
Bullet points:
- The return of GENERAL HAWK!
- Is this the end of G.I. Joe? No! Check this space next month!
by generalsjoes | Jan 14, 2013 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
Everyone seems pretty vocal about the upcoming G.I. Joe main series revamp in March, but I haven’t heard a whole lot about what people are looking forward to with the Special Missions title. Comic Book Resources spoke with writer Chuck Dixon about the series, which looks to be pretty heavily infused with the realistic, gritty military action that many of us adult Joe fans are into.
With art by Paul Gulacy, and a team featuring stalwarts like Scarlett, Recondo, Beachhead, Mainframe, Ripcord, and Torpedo, Special Missions is a more down and dirty look at the underbelly of G.I. Joe’s military operations across the world.
The article showcases some great preview pages along with the interview, check it out at Comic Book Resources. Thanks to Kord on Twitter for the heads up.

by generalsjoes | Jan 12, 2013 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
Thanks to IDW Editor in Chief Chris Ryall’s Twitter feed, we’ve got a fantastic look at the upcoming wrap around cover for G.I. Joe #1, coming in March, 2013!
This cover is by Jamal Igle and really looks gorgeous. I’ve been among the folks kind of scratching my head over the lack of military gear on these characters, but I personally have no issues with a more modern, less real world type of uniforms, and this looks like a very cool mash up.
To be honest, I think many of the characters here are giving off just a little bit of a Pursuit of Cobra vibe. I know that PoC figures had a lot more military elements to it, but think about those cool forearm guards we got on Beachhead, and the strategic armor plating from Destro, Firefly, Dusty, and later version of Duke. I see some similarities here.
But let’s all face it, uniforms are just on the surface. I think we can all agree it’s the story that counts, and I’ve got a lot of confidence in Fred Van Lente. I’m really looking forward to this hitting in March. Check out the original stuff over on Chris Ryall’s Tumblr page, I’ve also mirrored the images below.
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