by generalsjoes | Feb 8, 2013 | 30th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2013, Show and Convention Coverage
Well, look at that! You wouldn’t necessarily think so, but a slight change in hair color makes all the difference in the world. It helps that this head has only been used with masked characters so far as well.
Yes, Charbroil uses the same head sculpt as the Rise of Cobra Aqua-Viper Officer and more recently as the Figure Subscription Service Dice, but with the red hair he looks like a totally different guy. The G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club showed his unmasked head on their Facebook page. It’s also mirrored below.

by generalsjoes | Feb 1, 2013 | 30th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, JoeCon 2013, Podcasts, Show and Convention Coverage, What's on Joe Mind
I’ve been down and out with the flu for a few days and unfortunately have been lax with posting this, but as registration looms, seems like I should get it up in people’s faces so they can get well versed on what to expect from the G.I. Joe Convention.
For the past two years, we’ve recorded special editions based on the Convention Brochure, and the one we recorded last year was one of our most listened to episodes ever, so it was a no brainer to do it again…evidently people found it useful.
Check it out over on our Podbean Page, or via the embedded players below.
WAIT! Listen to this first before registering for JoeCon. Our JoeCon vet hosts (Chuck has still yet to leave his house), Mike, Justin and Gary offer up their combined 23 years of experience to help you plan your trip. Never been to Indianapolis? Thinking about a Pre-Con tour? What happens package pickup night? When can I get the convention exclusives? And the biggest question of all, HOW MUCH IS ALL OF THIS? If you have a question or concern, listen to this first and we probably cover it for you. If you didn’t hear an answer to your question, email the program, and the team will run down an answer for you. Don’t do anything JoeCon related until you hear this first! See you in Indy – site of the most recent Patriots Super Bowl loss!!
by generalsjoes | Feb 1, 2013 | 12" Scale, 30th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, JoeCon 2013, Show and Convention Coverage
As we prepare for registration today, I thought it would be helpful to capture all of the various images shown so far in one cohesive gallery. I haven’t mirrored every single one of them, but considering we’re getting ready to plunk down some serious cash later on today, it might be beneficial to really see what we’re getting out there.
The G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club also posted some great group shots that I hadn’t talked about yet, which shows just how awesomely colorful this year’s set really is. I’m loving it myself. So here we have a break down, by set:
G.I. Joe: Nocturnal Fire (Night Force vs. Cobra Demolition Team)
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While I’m still not a fan of the decisions the Club made regarding Hit & Run, I think by and large this set is really nice. I love that they went with a different Cobra Mortal, and even with the skin-tight outfits Frag-Viper and Letal are really awesome, especially considering we may get those figures before we even get the tooling they used in the main line.
The SAW-Vipers are really cool, too, and I’m certain the colors will be a bit more muted in person as they almost always are. Being the late 80’s/90’s freak that I am, I really love seeing this rainbow of colors throughout the convention set, and the chosen characters were done very well.
Adventure Team: Secret Mission to Dragon Island
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This set is really growing on me as well. As someone who collects 3 3/4″ almost exclusively, I’m really trying to hold myself back from jumping into this Adventure Team stuff, but the Collectors’ Club is making it very difficult. From the awesome Henchman figure in 2010, right up through now, they’ve been really drawing from all mythologies and all pop culture and giving us some fantastic source material here.
The Adventure Team is slowly being drawn into the Real American Hero universe and I love it. The secret spy/James Bond influences in this set are apparent, and the Club did a spectacular job with it.
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What’s that? A glow in the dark t-shirt with HIT AND FREAKING RUN on it? Yeah. SOLD. Seriously, that artwork is awesome, and I’m psyched the Club is using it on a t-shirt. The glow in the dark aspect is a great touch as well, and since it’s black and white, I can just pretend he’s got the face camouflage and a more classic look. 🙂
The Adventure Team T-Shirt looks great, too, and I’m loving the hat. All of this stuff will be available via online registration at some point (hopefully) today. Be ready to make your choices!
by generalsjoes | Feb 1, 2013 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2013, Show and Convention Coverage
Well, hopefully, anyway. The latest communication from the G.I. Joe Collectors Club comes in the form of an email received last night, which indicates that today could be the day we’ve all been waiting for.
“Hello all,
Barring any unforseen issues we will start registration on Friday, February 1.
If you can’t log in, check your log in at If you have expired, you will not
be able to receive member pricing.
If you are registering with another member, you will need their log in and password to receive
member pricing.
If you complete your order with non-member pricing, we CANNOT adjust your pricing. Please
understand what you are ordering and confirm the pricing before you check out.
Please take a look at the souvenir T-shirts, Hat and Beanie that you can add to your order at the end.
You will find pictures under the exclusives tab. The Night Force shirt and both hats glow in the dark.
If you have not read the brochure, please do so before you register as you have 8 minutes to complete
your registration before the system puts your items back into stock. You cannot hold them in your
cart longer than that amount of time, however you can start over.
Sets are limited and we cut the 12″ sets down by 1/3rd so they are really limited this year.
We do reserve the right to limit any member’s quantities if we deem them excessive.
Attending and Non-attending can both register Friday.
I’ll send out an email when the link is live.
Thanks for your patience, see you in Indy!
So I hope everyone is camping over at as the Golden Tickets and Con Sets should be selling out quickly. Next stop, Indianapolis!
by generalsjoes | Jan 31, 2013 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, JoeCon 2013, Show and Convention Coverage
I think most of us assumed this as it was, but if not, the GIJoeCon FAQ just did.
They posted some updated answers to the FAQ yesterday, and included in those answers was the following tidbit:
“Question: Will the 3 3/4-inch Iceberg figure be available for club members to buy on a 25th card at the convention like Footloose was in 2012?
Answer: Yes, a limited number will be for sale at the convention.”
One now wonders when we might see the first images of the 2013 Iceberg… I’ve been so caught up in Convention coverage I hadn’t even thought to wonder. Perhaps after registration goes live.
Please be sure you’re checking the GIJoeCon FAQ at every opportunity. A lot of the questions you might have are answered there, including the dreaded “Why is Cobra Mortal not chrome?” Click here to read for yourself.
by generalsjoes | Jan 28, 2013 | 30th Anniversary, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2013, Show and Convention Coverage
Depending on your perspective, Facebook can be a source of frustration and potential information leaks, but for others it’s a great interface directly with designers and a look behind the scenes of the action figure production process. The Facebook page of 2DToys currently shows off a trio of unpainted head sculpts for the upcoming 2013 G.I. Joe Convention figures. Those three heads are Repeater, Psyche Out, and Crimson Asp. It’s amazing to see the level of detail here in such a small scale, and it provides a nice close up look of these before we actually get them in hand.
Check out the 2DToys Facebook page, and I’ve also mirrored the images below.
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