by Josh | Apr 17, 2018 | G.I. Joe Collectors Club
Today the Club gave us a peak at Bullet-Proof, the Battle Corps Commander. Bullet-Proof was originally released in ’92 as part of the D.E.F. (Drug Elimination Force). It appears the club has changed the subset away from D.E.F. and gone with the Battle Corps. Bullet-Proof has a similar deco as his original ’92 release but with the FSS version it appears he will have a non-removable helmet. All in all he looks to be a great figure. It’s a shame that we can’t flush out the rest of the D.E.F. team.
Don’t miss out on this figure as well as the rest of the FSS 8.0. Head on over to the Club page and sign up today.

(Inspired by the 1992 action figure.)
Includes: removable grenade bandolier, pistol, knife,
rifle, rocket launcher with projectile, and figure stand.
by Josh | Apr 17, 2018 | G.I. Joe Collectors Club
The Club gave us two reveals last week for the FSS 8.0. We got our first glimpse of Fast Draw and Red Laser. While both of the figures look to be parts mash-ups from previous figures they both look put together quite well. As I previously mentioned FSS 8.0 is going to be bittersweet for many of us. I am super excited to see a lot of the figures that have been mentioned in the lineup but I also realize with each reveal we are that closer to wrapping up the Figure Subscription Service. With that said let’s look at Fast Draw and Red Laser.
Fast Draw is inspired by the ’87 release and stays true to the original color scheme. It looks like a lot of the figure comes from the Modern Era Blowtorch figure but I think it works pretty well. Fast Draw also comes with Duke’s launcher from the Pursuit of Cobra and looks ready for battle. All in all I think Fast Draw looks good and will look great with the rest of the ’87 figures.
The next reveal was Red Laser who is inspired by the European exclusive action figure. I personally don’t know a lot of the history on Red Laser so I had to do some searching. According to what I found Red Laser was originally released in ’83 as a repaint of Cobra Commander. He was available in the United Kingdom and Europe and was part of the Red Shadows. It looks like the Club opted for a repaint in this case as well using mostly what appears to be the Ultimate Cobra Commander. He looks really nice with the vibrant red color scheme and skull and crossbones flag.
If you’re interested in the FSS 8.0 make sure to jump over to the GI Joe Collectors Club and get signed up before the May 2nd deadline.

Code Name: FAST DRAW
(Inspired by the 1987 action figure.)
Includes: removable helmet, face mask, revolver pistol,
backpack missile system with 8 projectiles, remote controls x 2,
connection hoses x 2, and figure stand.

Code Name: RED LASER
(Inspired by the European exclusive action figure.)
Includes: removable helmet, advanced combat rifle,
laser pistol, Red Shadows flag, and figure stand.
by generalsjoes | Apr 6, 2018 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club
An unexpected Friday surprise! The G.I. Joe Collectors Club has revealed the line up for the upcoming Figure Subscription Service 8.0! This is expected to be the final FSS as the contract for the Club is expiring, and by the looks of this line up, they’re going out with a bang.
This is a pretty impressive line up, I have to be honest. I love the choices of most of these characters (with the exception of tan Clutch which feels pretty unnecessary, even if he is filling the lone “1984” slot still open).
Recoil? YES.
Capt. Grid-Iron? Love it.
Fast Draw? WOOO!
Blizzard and Bullet-Proof are great choices as well, though it feels a bit late in the game to start revisiting DEF.
My GeneralsJoes cohort Josh has some perspective as well…
Josh: This is a bittersweet day for a lot of collectors. On one hand, we get to see some additional amazing figures from the club, but on the other hand this will be the final reveals that we will see. With the lack of Joe coming from Hasbro the Collectors Club FSS has provided us with a steady stream of figures and I for one am going to miss the reveals and the figures arriving in the mail. The first figure reveal for FSS 8.0 is Captain Grid-Iron. I have to admit I have always been a huge Captain Grid-Iron fan. Originally released in 1990 Grid-Iron spoke to my two greatest loves at the time, GI Joe and Football. The figure is based on the original figure and will sport (no pun intended) a new helmet and re-tooled officer’s pistol. The helmet will be removable and he will also include his signature football.
Good stuff to close out the G.I. Joe licensing contract… check out the full list below as well as an image of Captain Grid-Iron to kick things off!
The cost of FSS 8.0 will be $384 + shipping and can be broken up into installments. As always you will be charged an additional $6 for each installment payment. The deadline for signup is May 2, 2018 so hurry up and sign up today.

(Inspired by the 1990 action figure.)
Features NEW helmet & re-tooled officer’s pistol!
Includes: removable helmet, armored vest, holster with pistol,
officer’s suppressor pistol, football “grenade” and figure stand.
Code Name: FAST DRAW
(Inspired by the 1987 action figure.)
Includes: removable helmet, face mask, revolver pistol,
backpack missile system with 8 projectiles, remote controls x 2,
connection hoses x 2, and figure stand.
Code Name: RED LASER
(Inspired by the European exclusive action figure.)
Includes: removable helmet, advanced combat rifle,
laser pistol, Red Shadows flag, and figure stand.
(Inspired by the 1992 action figure.)
Includes: removable grenade bandolier, pistol, knife,
rifle, rocket launcher with projectile, and figure stand.
(Inspired by the Sunbow cartoon & 2007 GIJCC design.)
Includes: removable helmet, grenade bandolier, pistol, knife,
assault rifle, bazooka, backpack with shells x 4, and figure stand.
(Inspired by the 1984 version 2 action figure.)
Includes: removable helmet, vest, assault rifle,
pistol, work cones x 2, and figure stand.
(Inspired by the 1988 action figure.)
Includes: removable arctic coat, sniper rifle, backpack,
skis x 2, ski poles x 2, boot cleats x 2, and figure stand.
Code Name: PAYLOAD
(Inspired by the 1987 action figure.)
Includes: removable helmet, MMU backpack,
control arms x 2, and figure stand.
Code Name: OVER KILL
(Inspired by the 2003 version 2 action figure.)
Includes: removable helmet, harness, “human” face mask,
neckerchief, gauntlet, claw hands x 2, rivet gun,
hand-held assault weapon, and figure stand.
Code Name: RECOIL
(Inspired by the 1989 action figure.)
Features re-tooled mine case & dual weapon!
Includes: removable helmet, tactical harness, pistol,
assault rifle, mine case, dual tactical weapon,
backpack, combat knife, radio, and figure stand.
Code Name: BUSHIDO
(Inspired by the 1993 action figure.)
Features NEW samurai face mask!
Includes: removable samurai helmet with face mask,
tactical harness, double sheath with swords x 2,
Kusarigama weapon, and figure stand.
Code Name: MUNITIA
(Inspired by the 2008 DTC: GIJCC action figure.)
Features NEW head sculpt!
Includes: bladed pistol, assault rifle, radio, and figure stand.
NOTE: These modern era club exclusive action figures will not be exact replicas of their vintage counterparts.All images are Photoshop mock-up representations, final product, accessories and/or colors will vary!
The cost of the twelve-figure subscription service is $384.00 (+ shipping for 6 shipments). You can pay all at once or in three installments of $128.00 (billed to your credit card). When you subscribe and choose to pay by Installment, you will be billed for the first two month’s shipments. Then in October 2018, you will be billed for the 3rd and 4th months’ shipments and finally in December 2018, you will be billed for the final two months’ shipments. Upon subscription completion, you will receive a bonus carded 13th mystery figure with the last shipment.
Please note that for the installment payment option, there is a $6 service charge per billing while the pay in full option has one $6 service charge. Please also note that for installment buyers, there is an additional charge each time a billing is attempted if your card is not approved. If your card has been declined and we have to re-bill, we will only be able to retry your billing three (3) times before your subscription is cancelled. Each retry has an additional fee added to your total charge (please see the Terms and Conditions.)
This Figure Subscription Service is a “build to order process” so you can order as many as you like, until the order period closes. At that time, we will not process any more subscriptions and we may/may not have additional figures in the club store at a higher per figure price.
Please note that the figure previews are Photoshop mock-ups and the final product may vary. Also, the colors are approximate as some may look more glossy or metallic on your monitor screen and everyone’s computer has a different color calibration.
Final figures colors/names/accessories will vary from the descriptions and preview pictures.
by Josh | Feb 23, 2018 | G.I. Joe Collectors Club
For the final reveal by the Collectors Club we get Sgt. Slaughter… wait, nope it’s Sgt. Smasher. Sgt. Smasher is the Slaughter’s Marauders Sqaud Leader and will be leading the team into battle against the Python Patrol. Sgt. Smasher is a brand new character design that is inspired by “Mister C” from the Sunbow cartoon. I will be the first to admit I didn’t remember Mister C from the cartoon and had to look him up (picture below). Sgt. Smasher brings with him quite a lot of controversy thus far. I know a lot of fans were clamoring for Sgt. Slaughter to lead the team but it looks like the Club was not able to secure the rights. Putting all the controversy aside Sgt. Smasher looks pretty good. It’s not everyday that we get a new character and I for one will take it. It’s a nice addition to the GI Joe mythos and the figure looks nice with a new head sculpt and a new removable drill instructor hat. Take a look below and let us know what you think.
– 25th Anniversary Style/Fully Poseable Action Figure.
– NEW Modern Era Character in original SM design.
– Inspired by “Mister C” from the Sunbow: G.I. Joe Cartoon!
– Features exclusive NEW Head Sculpt with Mowak hairstyle,
and NEW removable Marine Drill Instructor hat.
– Includes removable vest, whistle, baton, pistol, Gatling gun,
backpack with ammo strip, and G.I. Joe Logo Stand.

by Josh | Feb 22, 2018 | G.I. Joe Collectors Club
The Python Patrol finally have their commander… Major Bludd. The figure is based off the 2003 release that was part of the the Toys R Us Exclusive Python Patrol six figure set. This version will include a new head sculpt with a removable helmet. The paint scheme matches the rest of the Python Patrol and comes with some great accessories. Bludd looks really good and is geared up to lead the Python Patrol into battle.
– 25th Anniversary Style/Fully Poseable Action Figure.
– Modern Era Update of Character based on 2003 design.
– Features NEW Head Sculpt with removable helmet.
– Includes removable grenade harness with pistol,
handgun with rocket, backpack with rockets x 3,
sonic bazooka, and Cobra Logo Stand.

by Josh | Feb 15, 2018 | G.I. Joe Collectors Club, Uncategorized
The Club previewed the Python Patrol Laser Trooper: Python Laser Viper today. The figure is based off the 2003 design and will have a retooled backpack and weapons system. The set will include three figures making this the third army builder of the set. It’s another fantastic looking figure that will have a removable helmet and the dual cannon laser backpack will look great on the figure especially being an army builder giving it a very menacing look on the battle field. With the three Army Builders revealed we are getting close to the final reveals on the set and things are starting to take shape. Keep watching the site and and we will keep you posted on the next reveals when we see them. Check below for a complete view of the figures previewed so far.

– 25th Anniversary Style/Fully Poseable Action Figure.
– Modern Era Update of Character based on 2003 design.
– Features RE-TOOL of Laser Backpack Weapons System
– THREE Army Builder action figures in this exclusive set.
– Includes removable helmet, dual cannon laser backpack,
connection hoses (not shown), adjustable control arm,
holster with pistol, and Cobra Logo Stand.
Here is an updated shot of the figures shown up to this point.