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G.I. Joe Collectors Club news and FSS 3.0 Shipping Updates

It seems like forever ago that the FSS 3.0 line up was being revealed, and I think most of us were expecting to receive the first batch of figures this year. No such luck, but the G.I. Joe Collectors Club has sent out an update via email about FSS 3.0 as well as some tantalizing news about the 2015 Convention Set.

According to, there will be a hint to the 2015 Convention Set contained within the Diamond release of the 2014 Convention Comic, which is available now at

They also report that registration will be happening after the first of the year. Check out the full text of the email below.

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season!

For all you comic collectors, the Diamond edition of the 2014 G.I. Joe vs Cobra Issue #7: “Zombie Initiative” is now in the store.

Our end of year and archive sale continues with quantities dwindling down to just a handful on many of the items. In order for your items to arrive by Christmas, please place your orders by Friday.

The FSS 3.0 is on the water headed this way. Because of the dock workers on the west coast issues and the seasonal delays, we don’t think we will get them until the first week in January. Because of the delay, our current plan is to ship the first figures during the week of January 5 and follow up with the second shipment at the end of January to get us sort of back on track. This puts the second billing for the installment plan buyers around the end of January/first of February and the final billing around the middle of March. As soon as they arrive, we will set the official billing dates. I’m also sending this info from the FSS email system so you may get 2 updates.

And finally, we anticipate the registration being available for GIJoeCon after the first of the year. Please note that the hotel is about 70% full and is attached to the convention center. You can make your reservation now by following the link at

Merry Christmas!


After a quiet few months on the G.I. Joe front, it’s looking like things could be picking up in 2015. Looking forward to it!


Transformers Collectors Club officially reveals FSS 3.0 Serpent O.R.

While most (if not all) of us saw the Serpent O.R. reveal from Botcon a few months ago, yesterday, the TFCC made it even more official and released the images of their upcoming FSS 3.0 entry for Serpent O.R. Based on the character from the Devils Due G.I. Joe vs. Transformers: The Art of War limited series, this figure looks pretty nice! It will be very interesting to see how his story intertwines with Marissa Fairborne. IDW writer Jim Sorenson recently revealed on Facebook that he was writing the bio’s for each figure, so there is certain to be some interesting back story here.

Check out the figure below, and make sure to check out to join FSS 3.0, time is running out!

Transformers Collectors Club FSS 3 SerpentOR

The Stall Family Tree is complete – FSS 3.0 Bombstrike unveiled!

The last figure from the latest Figure Subscription Service has been revealed, and she looks pretty great. Fans have been clamoring for Bombstrike for quite a while now (especially since FSS 1.0 gave us her two brothers) and it’s great to see such a successful end result.

She sports a newly sculpted Boss Fight Studio head with Renegades Scarlett torso and what looks like the Rise of Cobra Cover Girl arms and legs. Love the black shirt underneath the tan flak vest…and really love that the Stall family has been wrapped up. Of course this makes it just a bit more annoying (to me) that the FSS Barrel Roll is the DTC re-hash instead of the blue and gray like it should have been. Thankfully I have a custom that satisfies that little requirement in my universe, though.

Kudos to the Collectors Club for a very nice looking Figure Subscription Service. My own personal issues with Hit & Run aside, I’m quite happy with most of the selections, and I think they did take some time and listen to the fans, especially when it comes to getting normal versions of the Night Force characters out there. Here’s hoping fan input can make some impact with the end result for Hit & Run as well. Regardless I think things look good, and I’ll be excited for pretty much every package to arrive at my door.

Check out Bombstrike below, and then I’ve also mirrored every single FSS figure to date so you can see them all together. Keep watching for the latest info and announcements! Make sure you hit their FSS Subscription Page as well and order up a set! Registration won’t be open much longer.
