I’ll be the first to admit when I’m wrong, and I definitely swung and missed on my hypothesis with the mystery figure out of Asia being some updated version of Dial-Tone. In my own defense, though, Helix wasn’t even on the minds of Joe fans those months ago, so cut me some slack. 😉
Ever since IDW mentioned Helix in a future solicitations article, Joe fans everywhere have come to the conclusion that this mysterious female figure was indeed this new character that was apparently designed for the video game and is thus being indoctrinated into the comic universe by IDW. Not much was known about the character, even in the August solicitations.
However, friend of GeneralsJoes (and loyal YoJoe contributor) Phillip passed along the following link from Deviantart, which is apparently a cover for the Helix special drawn by Joe Suitor. One glance at the cover confirms that the mystery character is indeed Helix! Check out the fantastic image below:
Well, what do you know… 😛
I need this action figure agent helix