It’s been all over the web, so I figure most of my readers are aware of it already, but Jack passed it along to me, so I figured I’d spread the word as well. If you have an eBay account, you’ll want to change those passwords. Their security systems were apparently illegally accessed within the past week or two, and the depth of the infiltration is currently unknown.
Of course, the process for changing your password isn’t real simple either. Check out for a nice tutorial on how to do just that.
,As a matter of interest, someone is trying to sell supposed copies of eBay’s hacked data (145,312,663 unique records) for 1.453 BTC at (bitcoins apparently do have a purpose after all) …
“We hang petty thieves and appoint the bigger thieves to public office.”—Aesop, Greek slave & fable author.
Hmmm, could that explain how eBay’s Johnny Ho got appointed to the President’s Export Council, and previously to the White House Council for Community Solutions—LOL …
Ho, Ho, Ho, it’s long past time for you to go …
eBay Inc, where the incompetent mingle with the malevolent and the criminal …