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All right, folks, it’s time.  We’re getting down to the wire – only eight days left to fund some stretch goals for the exceptional Vitruvian HACKS Mighty Steeds Kickstarter!

Yes, the good news is this bad boy is FUNDED.

The bad news is I don’t have any centaurs yet!  Come on, everyone, let’s make one final eight day push and get some of these terrific stretch goals under our belts.  I needs me Kawiki the elk, I needs me some Knight tack, and some Knight of Asperity tack and I NEEDS ME SOME CENTAURS.

Well, and this.

Who doesn’t need their own Rainbow Unicorn?

Seriously, between me and my eight year old, we are fired up about this Kickstarter, and I’m hoping everyone else is getting that way, too.  So much cool potential not just now but in the future for more creature sets if the interest is there for this one.

Please hit up the Kickstarter and throw some support its way there’s a ton of awesome stuff still to be unlocked.