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Joe DeClassified Exclusive Sightline vintage style figure details

Quite possibly the coolest item to come out of JoeCon 2017 was the vintage o-ring style Sightline which was available at the JoeDeClassified booth throughout the convention weekend.

They gave out the figure all weekend long and many fans were able to take advantage of the offer, but they still have a few hundred figures left over.  Naturally, many fans (especially those who couldn’t make it to Orlando) were wondering how they might get their hands on one of these fantastic looking figures.

JoeDeClassified has revealed the info!  Hop on over to the DeClassified Facebook Page to find the full details on how you can try and get your very own vintage style Sightline figure.  I think DeClass is handling this perfectly, finding a way to get this great action figure into the hands of kids, DeClass supporters and G.I. Joe fans everywhere as fairly as possible.

The full details can be found below.

The Much-Anticipated Sightline Post:

As mentioned previously, Joe Declassified has approximately 400 Sightline figures to give away. This was almost wholly unanticipated. We expected most if not all of the figures to be given away at Joe Con, and the intention of the figure WAS to be a Joe Con exclusive. Since that didn’t happen, we’ve been batting about solutions with a few primary goals in mind:

1. Get Sightline into the hands of as many kids as possible. Our mission is to promote the brand, and a huge part of this is to engage a new generation of collectors.

2. Distribute Sightline as fairly as possible. We realize that not everyone will be happy with our process no matter what we choose, but believe us when we say that we’re going to do our level best.

3. Solve the logistical hurdle. As the G.I. Joe community’s only not-for-profit, we’re not exactly rolling in cash. Mailing out 400 individual figures, even at the most conservative average of $4 each, would cost us $1600. That’s a price tag we cannot afford.

All that said, we have some priorities for distribution that need to be waded through before we begin to send out figures to the masses. Also, we have realities that you may not be aware of:

1. We cannot sell the figures. Our arrangement to use the Sightline name precludes us from selling them. Yes, having you “donate” directly for that purpose is still selling. We honor the spirit of our agreements, not just the letter. You may, of course, donate at any time, and in doing so support future projects, but it will have no impact on you receiving a Sightline figure or not.

2. We required financial backers in order to make this work. Some of them chipped in CONSIDERABLE amounts of money to make this project happen, and do not themselves have a figure.

SO…..our current distribution plan is:

1. We’ll be sending out a figure at our cost to the remaining backers who do not have a figure (9 of them).

2. We’ll be making a few available to our staff that participated in the planning process, who also have not yet received the figure they invested their effort into.

3. We will make figures available to Gary’s close friends. We know who they are.

4. We plan to make a SIGNIFICANT amount available at shows later this year – Assembly Required, Toy de Jour’s G.I. Joe day in Chicago, etc. This will allow us to hand many directly to children. Probably 1/2 the remaining figures will go out this way.

5. To those that have donated to Joe Declassified prior to 13 June 2017 – Many of you donated money over the last decade with no expectation of any direct return, so you will be eligible to receive a figure. We will contact YOU to determine if you wish to have a figure, but will need you to cover the shipping costs.

6. Contests! We’re going to run several contests, to ensure that anyone who doesn’t otherwise get a figure has a shot. Customs, art, writing, scavenger hunts, trivia, etc. If you’re not good at one thing, we want to find something you can participate and compete in. We do plan to deliberately aim several of these at children. Winning the contests will make you eligible to receive the figure, but you’ll need to cover shipping.

There are a couple ground rules to also be considered:

1. If you received a figure already, you are ineligible to receive another.

2. There is no “list” for you to get on. We appreciate the interest in this figure, but our inboxes have been flooded with PMs from fans asking for one and frankly, we won’t be taking these requests into consideration as we continue to distribute our remaining figures. We appreciate your support and are impressed with your dedication to G.I. Joe, but your level of fan-hood will not be a deciding factor.

3. This process will likely take us MONTHS. Patience will be a virtue. Each step of the way, we will need to re-assess costs, processes, quantity remaining, and account for production errors. Please remember, this is all volunteer labor done by guys with day jobs.

We also plan to auction off several items in the immediate future to directly benefit the Capua/Head family. We have Jason Sobol’s original Sightline art and Artist’s proof, the hand painted Sightline prototype, and 2 Alyosha customs of the Goggled One himself that were donated to us for this purpose.

We’ll keep you in the loop as we go!

Series 2 of Only Human G.I. Joe/Transformers crossover at Pete’s Robot Con

Last weekend, former Fun Publications employee Pete Sinclair held his first ever Transformers convention, Pete’s Robot Con.  As a part of the show, he revealed a slideshow featuring some pretty cool Transformers exclusives that unfortunately did not make it through the release process before Hasbro neglected to renew their license.

Other items revealed at the show include customs of three proposed additions to the G.I. Joe/Transformers figure line, pulled from the Only Human cartoon episodes.  These figures were set to include Springer and Ultra Magnus in human form (using some pretty cool G.I. Joe recipes, especially Ultra Magnus) as well as Victor Drath.

Check out some of the mirrored images below and thanks to HISSTank for the info.

More VIP Details revealed about 2017 HasCon

It’s been a busy week for G.I. Joe news, so I guess I picked a fine time to try and get GeneralsJoes back current again.

Previously we’d heard that there were VIP tickets for fans on sale for HasCon for the somewhat scary cost of $600 and Derryl’s recent presentation at the 2017 JoeCon revealed that they were certainly working on some other initiatives to make the fan experience at JoeCon worthwhile.  Included with that is apparent assistance from G.I. Joe fan community member Dan Klingensmith as well as a special dinner with G.I. Joe legends.


Further details have also been revealed about additional incentives for G.I. Joe fans.  In addition to the San Diego ComicCon Missile Command Center being repurposed for HasCon, there will also be four additional figures (two additional COBRA Officers and COBRA Troopers), an exclusive lithograph and animation cells.  If you do invest the $600 in the VIP package, you apparently get access to all of the different events, so if you’re a fan of other Hasbro properties as well, it may be more worthwhile.

I still find the package details and pricing to be a little confusing, so you may want to check the HasCon Website for the full details.

50th Anniversary Test Shots on eBay reveal canceled G.I. Joe items?

A few days ago, a few auctions from notorious overseas test shot specialist viperkingdom revealed some before unseen test shot figures of what might have been for unreleased figure/vehicle sets from the 50th Anniversary line last year.

This is all rumor at the moment, but some of these designs match up with some revealed unused artwork that certainly match the 50th Anniversary style.

Thanks to HISSTank for the intel, and check out the auctions here and the images mirrored below.