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Hasbro announces extended partnership with Fun Publications for at least 2 more years

In shocking news from the 2016 G.I. Joe Convention, during the Hasbro panel, Derryl DePriest announced that their partnership with Fun Publications would continue through at least 2018.  This news came as a surprise to pretty much everyone involved in the G.I. Joe community, but as someone who was unable to attend this year, I’m looking forward to more opportunities to get together with my friends.

More news incoming!


Huge G.I. Joe Convention High Res Image Update – Marauder, Eagle Force, Legends of the West, AWOK goodness

Huge thanks to YoJoe staffer Phil for making the rounds on the convention floor today and agreeing to grab some better images of the Marauder Task Force, Eagle Force, Legends of the West and Animal Warriors of the Kingdom figures that were revealed yesterday!

There’s a ton of great stuff being shown during JoeCon, and you can check out some fantastic images below.  Please check out the YoJoe G.I. Joe Convention 2016 Photo Galleries as well for some other great images straight from Loveland, Colorado!

Big kudos to Phil and the YoJoe team for their coverage.  Expect them to be all over the Hasbro Team presentation at 11am Mountain/1pm Central TODAY!

Marauder Task Force

Eagle Force Returns

Legends of the West

Animal Warriors of the Kingdom

G.I. Joe Convention Day Three – Here is where it all happens

You wouldn’t know it from the absolute flood of news stories I posted this morning, but Saturday is typically when things really start moving at JoeCon.

The Hasbro Team panel happens today at 11:00am Mountain Time (1:00pm Eastern) and Mark Weber has promised some very cool things to excite G.I. Joe fans.  The Crossword puzzle has been driving us all crazy for a couple of weeks now, it will be awesome to see it filled in right before our eyes.  You can bet even though I couldn’t be in Loveland, I’ll be right here spinning out updates as I can catch them, and greatly looking forward to seeing what’s in store for us for the remainder of 2016.

Then at 3:00pm Mountain time (5:00pm Eastern) the G.I. Joe Collectors Club will be holding their roundtable where they will likely reveal the line up for the very last Figure Subscription Service and perhaps shed some more light on the upcoming Transformers/G.I. Joe 5 Pack.

It’s a bittersweet day, where the news is fast and furious, but you blink a couple of times and it’s all over.  Saturday is no doubt my favorite day at JoeCon with the absolute flurry of activity (plus the after hours events always tend to end strong) and while it will be painful to be watching from the sidelines, I’m excited to see what’s to come.

From the sounds of things, we’ve got some great stuff to look forward to this year, and as G.I. Joe seems to be preparing for the next stage in its eventual evolution, we should all recognize and embrace the greatness of the Real American Hero and marvel at its longevity.  It’s tough to tell what might come next, so hopefully we can take some time to appreciate the three decades of stuff we’ve enjoyed and all the great times we’ve all shared at JoeCon over the years.


Marauder Task Force reveals fantastic new offerings for 2017

As if there wasn’t enough news already!

By all accounts the Marauder Gun Runners booth at JoeCon is hopping, and in the midst of all  the eager Task Force fans, Marauder has revealed some amazing new items coming in 2017!

First and foremost, what looks to be a Task Force compatible Exo-Suit (think Edge of Tomorrow type of thing) and a fully articulated military K-9!  Articulated animals are something that fans have been clamoring for throughout the years that I’ve been a member of the community and it’s pretty fantastic to see some of those dreams realized.  The images aren’t great I’m trying to get someone to take some better ones) but you can get an idea of what’s coming from Marauder.  Also in their booth are some test shots of upcoming items to be released including lower arms without armor and some new vests and accessories previously unrevealed!

Also, somehow I missed this news tidbit, but physical samples of the Valkyrie Test Shots have also been released via the Marauder Gun Runners Facebook Page, and those are mirrored below.

This has been an amazing start to JoeCon 2016 and both Hasbro and the G.I. Joe Collectors Club are still to come with their reveals.  What an explosive finish to the Fun Publications reign, I desperately wish I was there to enjoy it with everyone else.

Test shots for Spero Animal Warriors of the Kingdom figures at JoeCon

The hits kept coming at JoeCon yesterday, and if you’re in Loveland, be sure to stop by and check out the test shots for Spero’s upcoming Animal Warriors of the Kingdom action figure line that is on Kickstarter right now!

At just over $20,000 raised to date and three weeks left to fund, the AWOK line needs your help!  Check out a mirrored image of the test shots below, then consider hopping over to Kickstarter and slamming down a pledge.
