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I’ll be the first to admit that it’s been a trying year both from a personal standpoint and the “hobby” standpoint.  Certainly great things have come throughout 2015, but losing a close friend (as well as close family) always puts a big red “X” through any particular year on the calendar.

As we put 2015 in the rear view mirror and look towards 2016 lets all remember that we are called a community because we are one.  My closest friends that I have in the world are all people I met through the G.I. Joe brand and at various G.I. Joe Conventions throughout the years.  The mere hint that something like that might not be a given past 2016 is deeply troubling to me, and hopefully troubling to other folks in the community as well.

I keep my hopes up and look towards the New Year with optimism.  Hopefully all of you have great things to look forward to as well.

Happy New Year!
