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Preview of IDW Publishing G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #217

Larry Hama continues to try and push us past the Death of Snake Eyes story, though as one would imagine, an event like that tends to linger on in the hearts and minds of characters within the book and outside the book.

COBRA Rising is our next arc, and part two hits Wednesday, moving the story forward…check out the preview below.

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #217

Larry Hama (w) • Paolo Villanelli (a & c)

COBRA RISING! Cobra’s latest operation brings the fight to G.I. Joe’s turf…

FC • 32 pages • $3.99

Bullet points:

  • A new SNAKE EYES brings revenge to COBRA’s doorstep!


Courtesy of Coil Con and NerdRahtio, the first look at Loyal Subjects VAMP

Coil Con VI happened this past weekend, and thanks to Sam with the Nerdrahtio Podcast, he was allowed to reveal the first concept art for the upcoming Loyal Subjects VAMP w/ Clutch!

As if these newly designed figures weren’t cool enough, I really can’t believe the Loyal Subjects are also doing vehicles.  Pretty awesome, and if the art is any indication, the VAMP will rock.

Check out the mirrored image below, and make sure you tune in to the Nerdrahtio Podcast for this and more G.I. Joe goodies.


My first novel – The Fog of Dreams is now on Amazon

I made a promise that this wouldn’t turn into my author page, and it won’t, trust me.  Heck, I’ve already got one of those right here.

However, considering there are a number of folks who dig my G.I. Joe fiction and check out this page, and considering…well, I kinda own it and can do what I want…  🙂

Today, my new science fiction, action/adventure novel series Operation: Harvest kicks off with The Fog of Dreams.  I’ve been working on this novel (and this entire universe) for probably almost ten years, and seeing it this close to culmination is almost like a dream come true.  I honestly and completely believe that if you love G.I. Joe, there will be things about this novel that you love as well.  There are many common themes between the two universes, as one might expect with my 30+ year fascination with A Real American Hero.

I won’t dwell on it, I won’t mention it every day, but I will talk about it from time to time, fair warning.  If you’re interested, hit up the link below to pick it up on Amazon!  The Kindle version is only $2.99 (you can read it for free with Kindle Unlimited!) and the paperback is $12.99.  I have worked very hard and invested a lot of money into making it the best I could.  Please give it a try.

/Sales Pitch


Toy Fair video from the 90th Toy Fair is a nostalgia atom bomb

Where have these videos been all my life?!

Over in the G.I. Joe Discussion Group on Facebook, Jared has posted a few links to some videos on YouTube taking a peek at the Toy Fair events of years past, including the 90th Toy Fair from…  1993!

It is an amazing dance back in time as we see some great mid 90s G.I. Joe product, remember how damn prolific Playmates Toys was back then, and see a bunch of great toys that I have ZERO recollection of.

Seriously that TMNT vehicle that snags the Foot Soldier in the first few minutes is amazing.  Why do I not know what that thing is?

Check out the video below  as well as the Sgt. Savage presentation from 1994 and make sure to poke around that YouTube channel for some more good stuff.

First, I need to know, though… WHAT IS THIS AND WHY DON’T I HAVE IT?


G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary “Silent Strike” in stock at Big Bad Toy Store

I feel safe in saying one of the most anticipated G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary sets for 2015 is the “Silent Strike” set which is slated to come with a stealth Skystriker, a COBRA HISS with their new rail gun system, as well as some great figures including Captain Ace and Sightline himself.

As many will recall, Sightline is named after Gary “Goggles” Head, the mouthpiece of our tight knit G.I. Joe community who unfortunately passed away far too young several months ago.

Along with this, Ace and Sightline are members of the “Wolf Squad” Hasbro’s new (somewhat informal) team concept.

Fans are rampaging Toys “R” Us stores across the country looking for this set, but Big Bad Toy Store has your hook up right now. Click the link below and grab it…save yourself some gas and some trouble.