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G.I. Joe comic news from WonderCon 2014

Well, sort of.  IDW Publishing held their panel at WonderCon today, and in attendance were John Barber and Carlos Guzman, who both have pitched in with editing duties for various G.I. Joe titles over the past few years.

Comic Book Resources was in attendance and there was quite a bit said about the upcoming Transformers and G.I. Joe title by Barber and Tom Scioli, mentioning the Free Comic Book Day issue hitting May 3rd.  They also reiterated that G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero will continue as normal.

The “big news” was that the main IDW continuity will pick up in September.  We’ve already seen a teaser image and heard the tagline “Fall of G.I. Joe”, so it sounds like this should hit us in September, so keep an eye out for those solicitations.

Check out the full article at Comic Book Resources.


Marauder “Task Force” Kickstarter cruising right along!

I know with the flurry of JoeCon, I haven’t posted many updates about the Marauder “Task Force”, but I wanted to share some great news…  the stretch goal for “Carmen” was reached a couple of days ago, which means the green camouflage figure will be available!

This is awesome news for fans of that figure.  Marauder also posted some great new images and videos of the figures in action to give folks an idea of how these toys will work.  Check out the new images below, and make sure to hit up the Kickstarter Project itself to see the new functionality videos!

With a current pledge amount of $92,000 there have been a number of great stretch goals released already, and still more to come!  Go support the project now!