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Easily my favorite BattleForce: 2000 character, Dodger has the dubious distinction of being the only member of that ill-fated team to escape the burning oil refinaries of Benzheen.  It always fascinated me to think how that kind of event changes someone in the military, to the point where I made him a key member of my G.I. Joe: Renegades team in my dio-story universe.

As cool a character as Dodger has the potential to be, though, Hasbro has neglected to give him any love in many years.  The guys behind the 2012 Coil Con are changing that, though.  Facing him off against Zilant, the Coil Club now announces Night Force Dodger.

Like Zilant, there is some very creative parts use here, with a modified Renegades Cobra Trooper head sculpt and some great Pursuit of Cobra parts mixed in.  Check out the mirrored image below, and keep watching for the latest details on the Convention, hitting Kokomo Toys September 8th!