Thanks to the always awesome guys at JoeCanuck for posting the latest collectors newsletter! Read the intel below, straight from the horse’s mouth:
“Our 37th issue of the JoeCanuck Newsletter is now available! It’s the start of our 4th year doing this thing, and it’s still free! Be sure to pay close attention to the Canucklheads this month…. especially you kids out there! 😉
You can grab this month’s issue here, and don’t forget to let us know what you think about it on the message boards.
As always, all past issues can be read here. And please feel free to share it with other Joe Fans around the world!
Content included: “We’re Four!”, “Meanwhile, Back In The Comics: More Than Meets The Eye”, “Water Decals”, “ Wiki-Character Profile”, “Prototype Chrome Hailstorm on Ebay Soon!”, “Figure Review – Low-Light”, “Canadian Joe Con “Ice Guard” Review”, A Saftey Message from the Canuckleheads”
Great stuff!