A few weeks back I notified everyone of a pair of Amazon pre-orders for upcoming G.I. Joe: Renegades Trade Paperbacks. These comic collections are due early next year. Well, thanks to GeneralsJoes reader Captain N. for astutely noticing that Amazon has recently updated the pre-order page and features new cover artwork!
You can pre-order these books at the links below, and I’ve also screen-capped a generous amount of images, too.
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my wife tells me i could lie into the devil’s eyes and he’d know no better.
but i tell you a truth here and now….
im really starting to warm up to the Renegades artwork.
well, thats what i told the devil anyway.
LMAO. That’s good and mightily hilarious, 788!
So good to see someone else speaking up on this subject…somewhat… particularly since hardly anyone seems to be around to make a comment anymore. Although, maybe it’s just that they aren’t commenting these Renegades posts…No, looks like hardly anyone is really saying much anymore except about PoC related coolness, and virtually NO ONE is posting the Renegades stuff… well except to say they aren’t fond of it. I guess their dignity really is worth more than scoring points for pretending to like it…I can respect that.
Does this mean that only one or two people are really EXCITED about it and the rest of us are just dwindling away out of boredom from the barrage of “Renegadey goodness”? Or maybe it’s just no one is bothering to post on the Renegades stuff because they’d rather be able to post or comment on something of interest, like the CONTINUATION of the PoC line beyond the previously expected termination in early 2011!! Or that even though we’ll be seeing Renegades figures, they won’t be presented in a cartoony fashion, and will fit nicely into our existing PoC collections…those that don’t suck excessively like that arctic Destro or Tornado Kick SE. I dunno, lol. (You know, this makes me think that Hasbro already realizes that their oh-so-terrific cartoon isn’t going to be that big of a success, at least not big enough to convince the majority of us to buy figures rendered in this so-called “style” of animation…hmmmmm. Perhaps they are seeing the general lack of interest in the RENEGADES cartoon vs. PoC style and product…?)
I really feel that I have to say, that this so-called art is not a “style”, per se. Basically, this is what you get when people who want to draw, or THINK they can draw, or worse, have been TOLD that they can draw, find themselves incapable or unwilling, to actually LEARN proper anatomy and drawing techniques, much less practice them enough to get good at what they do. Rather, they seem to find absurd and lazy ways to claim legitimacy with a sub-par “artstyle”, or by mimmicking and faking it, by gaining a small following with a few published pieces because some shmuck at DDP is trying to be artsy and “critically acclaimed”. For all the style and talent being expressed with this stuff, we may as well be looking at some abstract nonsense, while someone off to the side whispers that we’re looking at just the single most awesome assemblage of GI Joe artwork ever conceived of, when in reality, what we’re looking at is smudged squirrel feces on a piece of plywood.
Now, before anyone gets all crazy and tries to say that I’ve called the RENEGADES “art/design” work “smudged squirrel feces”, let me clarify, no, I have not, that this was an example of someone telling us that something is one thing, when really, it isn’t even close to being that thing at all. Sadly, I will admit that I like the RENEGADES art better than the Cobra comic art…which isn’t saying much, as I also like the RENEGADES art better than a root canal…Mainly, because when I’m not visiting this particular site, I can virtually believe that it doesn’t even exist, as there is very little discussion about it elsewhere, at least on the other sites I bother to visit anyway. Even the Hub isn’t shoving bland RENEGADES art or clips in my face everytime I pop on here and there.
I can only hope someone is getting paid a lot for all of this shameless RENEGADES plugging going on here, by either Hasbro or Clem Sauve. If not, let me know and I’ll send both of them a bill for services rendered, well, either that or for mental and psychological abuse instigated by excessive RENEGADES “art” and promotions…lol. Kidding, why would they pay for so much free promotion?
Whichever way, several clips of the same basic artwork for the “comic” that we’ve already seen and been sickened by previously for the cartoon, isn’t any closer to convincing me that it’s somehow “cool”. Quite the opposite effect actually, it’s just making me hate it that much more than I did before, I think… Eh, maybe I’ll just stop checking in on things at all for a month or two, or just altogether, so I don’t have to be assaulted by “RENEGADES Madness” anymore, plus I won’t piss anyone off with my comments on this RENEGADES stuff anymore either. Decisions, decisions, lol.
Oh, also, for those who keep wanting to say that the cartoon will be so much better than anything we’ve seen up till now, when it airs in November, well, I seriously doubt it. If what we’re once again seeing here is any indication of things, it would appear the episodes are basically in the bag except for some minor and last minute editing possibly. This also means that the “art” some of you will be seeing in these two rip-off volumes when IDW rips you off, are basically stills (if retraced or lifted via computer and assembled in comic page format) taken directly from the cartoons themselves. A very cheap, and lazy way of assembling a comic without having to do any additional artwork except for a cover possibly, which I maintain will still likely be taken from existing work done for the toons. I suppose one COULD just go ask Clem for confirmation or denial, right? I’m curious to see how right or wrong I may be on this theory of mine… 😉
Hmmm, I have an idea…, 788, could you lie to me about how amazing this artwork is, please? Just look into my eyes and call me the devil. Maybe that will work and I’ll forget that this art “style” stinks so badly, lol. Worth a shot anyway. 🙂
Now, back to your already interrupted program already in the process of being interrupted…!!
I like the Renegades style quite a bit. I’m just not so filled with Nerd Rage as to believe that has anything at all to do with “dignity.” I’m looking forward to the cartoon, but I can’t get terribly excited until I’ve seen it. The other side of that coin is that I can’t bother to type paragraph after paragraph of Bitter, Scorned Fanboy Rant® without actually seeing it, either. And let’s not pretend that Doesn’t-Know-How-To-Be-Silent Master could possibly refrain from complaining on the internet. The Sullen Nerd Blues is the only tune you and the regular chorus of whiners know. How could you possibly fill the days without your incessant yammering?
And if you don’t take a remedial writing class at your local community college, I’m going to send the Punctuation Police to confiscate your comma key. Talk about lazy.
We finally learned that the real premiere date is a month away, but according to the artwork, the show is already a hit. Awesome!
I think the art is great, I guess because my tastes veer toward the more cartoony and impressionistic when it comes to comics. I just hope this translates well into movement.
Ha. That’s a pretty solid text-wall of insanity. Armed with the knowledge that you have *never seen an episode of the show*, the obvious followups are:
1) Show examples of an animated style from a show *targeted to children* that you would prefer to see instead.
2) Show examples of how you, personally, would better execute an animated series from which we have seen, at most, three minutes of footage.
Not-So-Silent Master is far too busy with his anime collection to know the first thing about a series aimed at kids.
I’m going to pretend I didn’t see any of this.
To me, it looks like more of the same art that was said to be preliminary and not really what the cartoon will look like.
@ Compulsive Collector: Don’t even try to pretend that anything you had to say was any more useful than what I said myself, because it wasn’t. You are only fooling yourself with your psuedo-intellectualism and holier-than-thou attitude. Your childish attacks on me are proof enough that you’re just as big a fan nerd as anyone else on here, the main difference being that you take yourself FAR too seriously and try too hard to repress your own inner Nerd Rage. Just let it out, we know you hate something besides yourself.
Also, just so that you aren’t confused by your own nerdvision, I said I had a library of anime to refer to, NOT that I was somehow obsessed with anime. I find it fun to watch on occassion, but that’s about it. Sorry to burst your little bubble of broad generalization about someone you don’t know, but continue to cast aspersions and draw assumptions upon, because of your own self-loathing.
So you don’t like what I have to say. So what? I wasn’t talking to you at all, egomaniac. Merely expressing MY own OPINIONS about the topic at hand, which apparently Justin wants us to do on here. He likes RENEGADES art, I don’t, and this is what is called a discussion from differing points of view. However, I don’t see anywhere that you may make personal attacks on other posters because you don’t agree with them, like you’ve done here TWICE already today. Just couldn’t help yourself could you? Too “Compulsive” I guess…
Yes. I am quite outspoken on the things that I don’t like (you should try it sometime instead of pretending to everyone that you love it all so much), but I am also just as outspoken on the things that I do like. Even Justin can tell you that there have been numerous posts I’ve made in the last few weeks of positive nature on here. In fact, most, if not all, of my “negative” posts have been regarding the art of RENEGADES, which he loves and I hate, but those are our OPINIONS and it isn’t personal between us at all. You, however, like to make it personal, don’t you? Furthermore, since I really only post on this site, to encourage discussion from a differing viewpoint at times, no, I don’t fill my days complaining on the internet at all, oh pompous one.
You want to seem all gallant and brave when you post your snyde little remarks about virtually anything I’ve ever had to say that caught your attention, but I’ve also seen you attack and belittle virtually every poster on here that doesn’t fit your narrow view of things or that has an opinion of their own, even attacking their families on a personal level (very manly by the way!). You are nothing more than a cyberbully, so go ahead! Hurl your childish little insults at me, at them, at us, or whomever. I hope it makes you feel good about yourself because now everyone reading this knows the truth about why Compulsive is so distasteful and abrasive in his “positivity”.
Not to put too fine a point on things after the last time you behaved innappropriately on here, which is pretty much every time…shut up. If you can do nothing more than hurl personal insults at other posters and try to make yourself seem somehow superior, just don’t say anything. News flash, you aren’t superior to anyone. Not even close. No matter what the voices in your head may have convinced you of. Now you can go talk to your therapist about this little revelation and see if he can help you develop a personality of your own that doesn’t include being so obtuse. Doesn’t feel so good being on the otherside of the insults does it?
I’m sure you will come back with more ultra-snyde comments directed towards me, because that’s what you do, being Compulsive like you are. If you do, that’s fine too, as it just further illustrates your own inadequacies and shortcomings, of which you obviously have many. I know my faults and flaws aren’t on a short list, but then I don’t try to hide behind false bravado and a keyboard to try and convince others that they don’t exist at all. Perhaps you should try more self-analyzation with a lot less belittling of other people. Also, stop making up false information to seem like a very big man with little to no respect for others. Attack me if you feel you must, in order to save face and show everyone just how smart and clever “Compulsive Collector” really is, but I doubt anyone will care because in all honesty, most of them probably like you less than they like me, lol.
In closing, I would like to make a personal apology to Justin for this post specifically. It was completely off topic and while I normally respect other peoples’ personal lives and their views on GI Joe anything, even if I don’t agree with them, CC’s posts were nothing but outright personal assault. This is generally typical for him, as I am sure you know by now. Normally, I let a significant amount of his venom go without anything really being said, but I felt that just this once, he needed a taste of his own medicine, as the saying goes.
I apologize for stooping to his level and turning your thread into a verbal boxing match with him. My original intent was merely to stimulate discussion, which apparently I did, lol, but this side effect was NOT the discussion intended by my initial post. Again, Justin, I sincerely apologize to you, first and foremost…but also to you other guys out there who posted with real comments and opinions on the topic at hand.
i have to admit…
i dont use too much punctuation either. but its not cuz of laziness. my right pinky-finger was chewed off by my older brother’s pet ferret when i was an infant and sometimes it cramps my hand to make my ringfinger stretch over to catch those keys.
Wow! You dedicated almost as many paragraphs to me as you did the Renegades art. How thoughtful of you. Rather than respond to your hurt feelings, I’ll simply go back to your original post. Paraphrasing you: This isn’t an art style; it’s just lazy. Okay. Why don’t you demonstrate for everyone just what a legitimate art style is? Since you’re a self-proclaimed artist, where can we find a library of your published work in comics? How about all the work you’ve done in the animation field? I wait with bated breath.
And I truly hate to break it to you, but I don’t “pretend” to like anything (just as I won’t “pretend” to have read the entirety of your love letter). There are plenty of things I don’t like, including aspects of G.I. JOE. I don’t care for several of the Pursuit of Cobra figures that have already been released. The difference is that I don’t whine incessantly about the things I don’t like or insist that the people who designed them are talentless hacks. Believe it or not, some of us just aren’t miserable.
How old are you people? Do you have your parents permission to post on these forums? Sheesh.
We now have people whining about other peoples whining.
(And yes, I realize I’m now whining about both of them)
Will the madness ever end?