Perhaps one of the most anticipated vehicles in the G.I. Joe line for a number of years now, the Pursuit of Cobra COBRA HISS v.5 took the Joe fandom by storm when it was debuted at JoeCon in 2009. Now, nearly a year later, the vehicle is in production, and slated to hit retail in August, 2010.
But you don’t have to wait until then to find out exactly what makes his great vehicle tick! GeneralsJoes has a full review and breakdown of the entire thing, from box to the sticker sheet in the detail you’ve come to expect, with more pictures than you could possibly want.
Check out the full review at the Pursuit of Cobra Review Page, or hit the review directly right here.
This went from something I wasn’t too interested in, to something I’m REALLY looking forward to having a few of. Megan the Hiss Tank Driver doesn’t look too bad, either ; ) . A thought I had on the Cobra staff and its ability to mount on the tank is that it could be used to denote the command Hiss Tank in a unit. Therefore, I need about 6 of these! Thanks for doing this review!
Holy cow, I was in the same boat as ggpike. My interest had been waning, but those pics really got me interested again. Thanks for the side by side pic with the original HISS, I had no idea it was that much bigger.
And I see a lot of custom vehicles using those treads and tank body as separate vehicles. The gears, they are a spinning. 🙂
Great review. Fair and honest. Seeing the size difference is really something, actually. This thing is a bit of a beast!
I’m glad you acknowledge the “flaws”. Like I said before, my interest for this dwindled a bit, but I am looking forward to getting one in hand, and if your review is to be believed, it might sway me.
Also, now I know what Pilot Destro actually pilots! 😉
Great review! I am wondering if the detachable arms from the Mechs will be compatible with the side holes on this new HISS?
Put me down as another person you have positively influenced with this review. I’m starting to want one, and a lot of that is from seeing the details that weren’t obvious in the prototypes. Couldn’t agree more that it should have been black; the picture on the back of the box makes it look black, and it looks really good that way!
Ok… I’ll get one. lol.
Good review Justin. You sold me. I’m thinking some black spray paint might be in order though. HISS tanks should always be black.
The mech bits aren’t completely compatible.
What I mean is… they don’t fit exactly nor securely.
They fit… just not… well.
you can see pics of the mech arms attached (more like…
balancing within) here.
Very very cool item. I’m quite looking forward to it! Thanks for the review.
Cobra Commander still comes with the staff but it’s painted. It’s supposed to be a battle standard so that when it’s attached to the HISS it denotes it as his personal tank.
That rear cockpit is pretty iffy looking. Maybe that area was supposed to be used to attach the HISS Scout before they quit promoting that as a feature.
Awesome!! Thank you guys for getting me more excited about this tank!
Any potential issues I might have with my classic arah figures as the primary users?
Think the toy will hold up to a lot of play from all ages then? (like my youngster?)
Great review! I’m more tempted now, but I’m convinced Hasbro will release this in the future repainted black.
I tried a million different ways… but the hissdrone and hiss scout did not attach nor fit nor meld nor anything with the larger hiss that I could figure out.
I’m guessing that concept predated the actual sculpting and making of the vehicles.
“Great review! I’m more tempted now, but I’m convinced Hasbro will release this in the future repainted black.”
Always a possibility but let’s not bite ourselves in the behind by not buying it now and having the powers that be at Hasbro say something like “The HISS did not sell well enough to warrant releasing a repaint.”
The size comparison pics bumped this up quite a few notches in my estimation. However, it still looks too under-armed for me. The tiny chin cannons, rear machine gun, and a single rocket just don’t cut it for me. At least the DTC HISS had four rockets.
Hopefully when they re-release it in black, Hasbro will throw in a few more connectable armaments.
It still looks to me like Hasbro was attempting to design the body of a new Fang and the tracks for a new HISS and then on day the designer went to grab some snacks out of the vending machine he left the Fang body on top of the HISS tracks, the brand manager walked by, said, “that works” and thus was designed the new HISS.
Gyre: What about the ROC missile launchers with the mounting pegs, like Cover Girl’s, RIA Ripcord’s mini tank, and Accerator Duke’s
some guy wanted all my ROC weapons and I sent them to him (this was ages ago)
and then when I got the Hiss I was like… damn it.
same with my rhinos. someone wanted the weapons and I was like… eh… I can always get more… but alas… I could not predict the HISS ports.
Reminds me of the RAIDER from 1989. What an odd little thing that was. I’m not liking it. Sure the tank treads are a nice upgrade, but the proportion of tread to body, as well as the “raider”-like quality of the armor inbetween makes me go, odd.