IDW has posted their solicitations for July, 2010, including a very healthy selection of G.I. Joe related titles. Alongside the mainstream G.I. Joe book, G.I. Joe: Origins, and G.I. Joe: Cobra, we now have G.I. Joe: Hearts & Minds by Max Brooks, and the very fun looking G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #156! Larry Hama returns again.
- A few things I’m looking forward to… Zartan’s IDW origin promises to be pretty cool. Seeing Serpentor come to life in G.I. Joe: Cobra should also be neat.
- But four words really caught my eye… in regards to G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #156. “Covers by Rod Whigham…“.
- I’ll be smiling for two months. Click the “Read the Rest of this Entry link below for the full run down!
- G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #156
Written by Larry Hama
Art by Agustin Padilla
Covers by Rod Whigham and Agustin Padilla
32 pages, Full Color • Cover Price $3.99 • Available July 2010 -
The ‘80s live on in this all-new series that spins out of the Free Comic Book Day issue 155-1/2 and hearkens back to the beloved JOE comics from your childhood! Larry Hama returns to script Real American Hero even as COBRA wins the bid to provide internal security for a terrorist-beleaguered USA. First order of business: put out a secret assassination order on the disbanded G.I. Joes. SNAKE EYES isn’t taking it lying down and overreacts maybe just a tiny bit… -
G.I. Joe #20
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Alex Cal
Covers by Kelsey Shannon and Robert Atkins
32 pages, Full Color • Cover Price $3.99 • Available July 2010 -
Ripcord joins the series as he leads Scarlett and a team of Fobbits on a jump to a faraway tropical island. But it’s no day at the beach because COBRA owns this little slice of paradise and means to keep it. Also, Shipwreck and his crew of pirates in action against the Dreadnaught; COBRA’s gigantic submarine-cruiser. It’s a perfect storm of action and suspense!
G.I. Joe: Origins #17
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Alex Cal
Covers by Tom Feister and Alex Cal
32 pages, Full Color • Cover Price $3.99 • Available July 2010
The Origin of Zartan, Part 2: The twisted origin of COBRA’s man of a thousand identities continues as Zartan is trained in the ways of death and disguise by his COBRA masters. But perhaps he knows far more than they. A deadly game begins; a game where only Zartan knows the rules. A glimpse inside COBRA and their evil schemes to manipulate world events from the shadows.
G.I. Joe: Cobra #6
Written by Mike Costa and Christos N. Gage
Art by Sergia Carrera & J.K. Woodward
Covers by Antonio Fuso and Ben Templesmith
32 pages, Full Color • Cover Price $3.99 • Available July 2010
Arise, Serpentor… ARISE! In our last issue, you met the charismatic, fearsome, magnetic cult leader known as Serpentor. Now learn how he came to be what he is today… both the fantastic story his followers subscribe to, and the not-quite-as-godlike, yet no less terrifying, truth. The critically acclaimed series delivers its boldest, most shocking story yet!
G.I. Joe: Hearts and Minds #3
Written by Max Brooks
Art by Howard Chaykin and Antonio Fuso
Covers by Howard Chaykin and Antonio Fuso
32 pages, Full Color • Cover Price $3.99 • Available July 2010
From Max Brooks, New York Times best-selling author of WORLD WAR Z and masterful artists Howard Chaykin and Antonio Fuso comes the next generation of G.I. JOE and COBRA.
“Torture is an ugly word. I prefer to call it ‘collecting first-rate intelligence.’”—INTERROGATOR
“At the bottom of the ocean, there’s no shortage of ways to die.”—DEEP SIX
G.I. Joe, Vol. 3
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Robert Atkins & Joe Suitor
Cover by Robert Atkins
TPB • 152 pages • Full Color • Cover Price $19.99 • Available July 2010 • ISBN: 978-1-60010-692-7
Lost in an Incan ruin, Beach Head and Tripwire have only their wits to help them survive the ruin itself and the mercenaries chasing them. Snake Eyes reunites with an old master to begin healing up after his fight with COBRA, and Destro finally brings the M.A.S.S. Device fully online—and that spells DOOM for the G.I. JOE team! Includes the HELIX one-shot.