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Howdy, all.  It’s been a while since I’ve plastered my thoughts all over Justin’s good virtual home, so I figured I’d stop in and dirty up the place before the Holidays took over everyone’s hearts and minds.

First off, I’ve been busy writing, editing and overall committee-izing the constitution for the new COIL group.  That’s right, what you used to know as “JOhio” is now the COIL!  We’re based in Indiana, Ohio, Illinois and Kentucky, but we’re always interested in the thoughts and camaraderie of folks from all parts… heck, Justin’s a member, and he’s all the way up in South Canada.  (There’s still a “JOhio,” but that’s not the happy group you’re used to dealing with under that name.  It’s something else, that caters almost exclusively to Northeast Ohio.)  For the time being, you can still access the group’s site at, although we should have everything migrated to the new site by the end of the week.  I’ll post again when that’s complete.

Second, I’ve managed to get back into the black enough to pick up some Joes here and there, plus a few for donating (thank you, $4.99 Joes at Target!).  Hopefully, I’ll have a (very) small charity project ready to roll here and at Joesightings at the end of the week as well.  Again, I’ll keep you posted.

Third, I’ve been sick.  Not anything serious, just one of those sinus colds that I’ve had to watch so it didn’t turn into an infection (ugh) or bronchitis (double ugh).  Most of my time has been spent at work or sleeping, with the occasional foray into the JBL chatroom on evenings that I actually had some energy.  Save for a nasty-sounding cough, I think I’ve finally got this one beat… and just in time.

Fourth, Giants football is sure fun to watch.

That is all.  We now return you to your regularly scheduled chaos.