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Slaughters Marauders Mutt & Junkyard

Here is the third figure reveal from the GI Joe Convention set.  The Slaughter Marauders team gets an addition to the unit with Mutt & Junkyard.  Mutt looks great even though he looks like a repaint from his earlier release.  The deco looks good and appears to match up with his ’89 Marauders version.  I have always liked Mutt & Junkyard so I am happy to see him included in the set.  I think when all the figures are revealed it’s going to be a great looking set.  I was fully in on Slaughters Marauders as a kid so I am in full nostalgia with the release of the set and lets be honest who doesn’t like a figure that comes with a K-9 companion.  Keep checking back as we post the rest of the figures as they are revealed and keep checking out the GI Joe Convention page for more details.

muttandjunkyard muttandjunkyard2


– 25th Anniversary Style/Fully Poseable Action Figure.
– Modern Era Release of Character based on 1989 SM design.
– Includes removable helmet, muzzle, vest, submachine gun, baton, knife, dog leash, and G.I. Joe Logo Stand.