by Josh | Mar 31, 2018 | Uncategorized
Boss Fight Studio has headed back to Kickstarter with their follow-up campaign to the highly successful Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. figures. This time around they are launching their new Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. 1:18 Articulated Horses. The horses look absolutely amazing and will be a great compliment to the rest of the Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. figures. Each horse comes fully assembled but has the ability to be easily customized. As part of the Kickstarter campaign they are also offering tack kits to outfit the horses and gear kits to customize the Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. Blanks or carded figures. They have some great stretch goals as part of this campaign such as an Elk, unlocked at $210,000 or Male Centaur Kits to turn your house into a Centaur, unlocked at $315,000. Of course there are many other stretch goals that you can check out as part of the campaign. As of this writing the campaign sits at $84,618 of its $125,000 goal. It has 42 days left and is performing very well. Check it out today and jump on board. This looks like another fantastic Kickstarter by Boss Fight Studio. Head on over to Kickstarter to see more pictures, information and get your pledge in.

by Josh | Mar 9, 2018 | Uncategorized
Here is a quick update on one of the active Kickstarters going on right now. If you haven’t got in on the action check out the email below and head over to
Kickstarter to back it. As of this posting the Kickstarter is at 72% funded with 8 days to go.
Email from James M. Kavanaugh Jr.
Hi all! The Kickstarter is currently at 42%. That’s great but we only have ten days left, I know we can drive it home! A successful Kickstarter is the only way a reprint with updates will be available within the near future. This includes having copies available at the 2018 Joe Con this year in Chattanooga. I’m not trying to be conditional or seem negative, I just want people who are on the fence to know how important this Kickstarter is to fund.
But on a brighter side, these volumes will now be updated, corrected, and fully reflect our journey through the 4″ G.I. Joe toy line. These guides are perfect for completing collections or to seemingly hold an entire collection in your hands all at once. Let’s continue to make the Rank & File guide series available for G.I. Joe collectors and enthusiasts!
Thanks for any and all contributions!!
James M. Kavanaugh Jr.
Owner/Author of R.A.H.C. Guidebooks
Thanks for your support!!
by Josh | Feb 16, 2018 | Uncategorized
The Marauder Task Force WWII Kickstarter has launched and as of this writing is almost funded. The Kickstarter currently sits at $53,481 pledged of the $64,000 goal with 29 days left. Marauder Gun Runners has already had many successful Kickstarter campaigns in the Marauder Task Force series. With the new Kickstarter they bring us some amazing WWII Action Figures. The campaign has levels for everyone to get involved. Jump in at $20 and choose from one of the following: US Rifleman, US Marine Bar Gunner, Japanese Army Rifleman, or a Japanese NCO Officer or go all in at $699 and and snag one of everything. Those two options don’t entice you? Then jump in at one of the many other levels of this amazing Kickstarter. You have 29 days to get involved but don’t wait till the last minute. You are going to want to be part of this.

by Josh | Feb 16, 2018 | Uncategorized
The club keeps the reveals flowing and gives us a look at Slaughter’s Marauders Spirit Iron-Knife & Freedom. Spirit has an exclusive new head sculpt and it looks great. I really think this is my favorite figure in the set up to this point. The ponytail head sculpt on the figure gives this version of Spirit a unique look that I don’t believe we have had before with Spirit. Spirit will come in the standard Slaughter’s Marauders deco that we have seen with the rest of the team. Another great looking figure to go with the rest of the Marauders.

by Josh | Feb 15, 2018 | G.I. Joe Collectors Club, Uncategorized
The Club previewed the Python Patrol Laser Trooper: Python Laser Viper today. The figure is based off the 2003 design and will have a retooled backpack and weapons system. The set will include three figures making this the third army builder of the set. It’s another fantastic looking figure that will have a removable helmet and the dual cannon laser backpack will look great on the figure especially being an army builder giving it a very menacing look on the battle field. With the three Army Builders revealed we are getting close to the final reveals on the set and things are starting to take shape. Keep watching the site and and we will keep you posted on the next reveals when we see them. Check below for a complete view of the figures previewed so far.

– 25th Anniversary Style/Fully Poseable Action Figure.
– Modern Era Update of Character based on 2003 design.
– Features RE-TOOL of Laser Backpack Weapons System
– THREE Army Builder action figures in this exclusive set.
– Includes removable helmet, dual cannon laser backpack,
connection hoses (not shown), adjustable control arm,
holster with pistol, and Cobra Logo Stand.
Here is an updated shot of the figures shown up to this point.

by Josh | Feb 9, 2018 | Uncategorized
Deadline reported today that Paramount Players is developing a film based on Action Man, Hasbro’s UK version of GI Joe. The film will be directed by James Bobin who directed The Muppets’ and Alice Through the Looking Glass. The script will be written by Simon Farnaby who wrote Paddington 2. According to the article Deadline attempted to reach out to Paramount and Hasbro but where unable to get a comment in regards to the film. Check out the full article at The article didn’t have much more to say and it will be interesting to see what comes of this and if this will fit into Hasbro’s combined universe. Keep an eye out for more information as it is released.