by Josh | Feb 10, 2018 | G.I. Joe Collectors Club
Just in time for the weekend the GI Joe Collectors Club gives us our first look at Slaughter’s Marauders Hardball. Hardball is the 5th figure preview and he looks like a great figure. I am not going to lie, as a kid Hardball was always one of my favorite figures. I always loved the massive grenade launcher he came with. It’s about time we get to add Hardball to the GI Joe collection. Check out the pictures below from the GI Joe Collectors club.

– 25th Anniversary Style/Fully Poseable Action Figure.
– First Modern Era Release of Character in SM design.
– Includes removable hat, harness, pistol with suppressor,
knife, re-tooled multi-shot grenade launcher, backpack,
and G.I. Joe Logo Stand.
by Josh | Feb 8, 2018 | G.I. Joe Collectors Club
For the fourth figure reveal the GI Joe Club gives us the Python H.E.A.T. Viper. With this reveal we now get the second army builder of the set. It looks like it is a repaint of the 50th Anniversary H.E.A.T. Viper but of course this will get the Python Patrol deco. The bright yellow torso is a little bold but I think this figure will look great with the rest of the Python Patrol figures standing next to them. Can’t wait to see the rest of the set.

– 25th Anniversary Style/Fully Poseable Action Figure.
– Modern Era Update of Character based on 2003 design.
– THREE Army Builder action figures in this exclusive set.
– Includes removable harness, bazooka shells x 6, bazooka,
connection tube, backpack, and Cobra Logo Stand.
by Josh | Feb 6, 2018 | G.I. Joe Collectors Club

The Collector’s Club sent out a quick update this morning in regards to the Convention. Looks like there is going to be a strong attendance this year for the Convention which says a lot of the fandom and the support they are giving the club for the last convention. Please see the email below for all the information in regards to registration, the Con set and the hotel availability.
From the Collector’s Club
I hope to see all of you at the final Collector’s Club G.I. Joe Convention in June!
What a great weekend this will be!
After registration being available for only ONE week, the response has surpassed even our strongest past shows:
The American Hero’s Golden Ticket packages are sold out. The Thursday Custom Class is sold out. There are 12 seats in the Wednesday Class available. The Homefront Hero’s packages are sold out. The American Hero packages are 90% sold through (not many left). The General’s Golden Ticket packages are sold out. The General’s packages are 60% sold through. The Base Commander’s packages are 45% sold through. The Marauders’ loose sets are sold out.
If we have sets available when we get closer to the convention, we will move them to the non-attending cue. Currently, we must keep them in the attending cue for members that are coming to the convention.
We have added more rooms at the Staybridge Hotel, please use the information at If you have a problem with getting a room, please let know as we think they can still add some more rooms to the block.
If you collect GI Joe, you owe it to yourself and your collecting friends to be at this show!
by Josh | Feb 6, 2018 | G.I. Joe Collectors Club
Here is the third figure reveal from the GI Joe Convention set. The Slaughter Marauders team gets an addition to the unit with Mutt & Junkyard. Mutt looks great even though he looks like a repaint from his earlier release. The deco looks good and appears to match up with his ’89 Marauders version. I have always liked Mutt & Junkyard so I am happy to see him included in the set. I think when all the figures are revealed it’s going to be a great looking set. I was fully in on Slaughters Marauders as a kid so I am in full nostalgia with the release of the set and lets be honest who doesn’t like a figure that comes with a K-9 companion. Keep checking back as we post the rest of the figures as they are revealed and keep checking out the GI Joe Convention page for more details.

– 25th Anniversary Style/Fully Poseable Action Figure.
– Modern Era Release of Character based on 1989 SM design.
– Includes removable helmet, muzzle, vest, submachine gun, baton, knife, dog leash, and G.I. Joe Logo Stand.
by Josh | Feb 2, 2018 | G.I. Joe Collectors Club
Another day and another figure preview from the GI Joe Club Convention set. We get our first look at the Python Patrol with the release of the Python Lamprey. The Deco looks great and it’s looking like a good set with the first two figures. Keep checking back and we will make sure to keep you updated on the rest of the figure reveals.

– 25th Anniversary Style/Fully Poseable Action Figure.
– Modern Era Update of Character based on 2003 design.
– THREE Army Builder action figures in this exclusive set.
– Includes removable face mask, vest, submachine gun,
pistol, swim fins, backpack, and Cobra Logo Stand.
by Josh | Jan 31, 2018 | G.I. Joe Collectors Club
The GI Joe Club gave us two exciting pieces of news today. First registration for the upcoming, and sadly final, GI Joe Club Convention is now live and second we got our first peak at the GI Joe club set. Get online now to register for the event. The first figure preview from the convention set is Slaughter’s Marauders Infantry Trooper Footloose. We last saw Footloose as the 2012 GI Joe Collectors Club Free Membership Figure and here we get him again as part of Slaughter’s Marauders. If you missed out on the figure 6 years ago here is your chance to get him again… of course in a slightly different deco. This is a very nice first reveal and I can’t wait to see the next.
Get registered today for the 2018 GI Joe Convention

– 25th Anniversary Style/Fully Poseable Action Figure.
– Modern Era Release of Character based on 1989 SM design.
– Includes removable helmet, harness, assault rifle, rocket launcher, knife, pistol, flashlight, backpack, and G.I. Joe Logo Stand.
(Note: Photo depicts action figure mock-up and final product may slightly differ.)
Collect all these great 3 3/4″ action figures in the 15-figure Python Peril: Marauders to the Rescue! box set.