by Josh | Apr 24, 2018 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club
Okay I have another confession, I really like arctic themed figures. Just wanted to get that off my chest. With that said the Collectors Club gave us our first look at Greg “Blizzard” Natale today. It looks like the figure is using the FSS Scoop head and parts from the cancelled RoC Arctic Threat Duke. I really like the way this figure came together. Once again the Club stayed true to the original color scheme of the ’88 version. If I had to nitpick anything it would be the fact that the helmet is not removable. It would have been nice to get a removable helmet with the figure like the original version but I still think the figure really works and will look great with the rest of the arctic themed figures. Head over to the GI Joe Collectors Club and get signed up before the May 2nd deadline.

(Inspired by the 1988 action figure.)
Includes: removable arctic coat, sniper rifle, backpack,
skis x 2, ski poles x 2, boot cleats x 2, and figure stand.
by Josh | Apr 23, 2018 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club
Another week and another set of reveals from the Club. This week the GI Joe Collectors Club unveiled Lt. Clay Moore and Lance “Clutch” Steinberg. Lt. Clay Moore is based off the Sunbow Character from the episode The Traitor (Part II). The Club also produced him as part of the 2007 “Tanks for the Memories” set. I always enjoy seeing new characters that we really have not received from Hasbro so overall I enjoy this character. I think the overall build of the character is good. I have seen some complaints about the grenades being a little high on his neck and I echo those thoughts. With that said I still feel he looks good and will look great leading the Cobra Shock Troops.
The second reveal we got this week was for Lance “Clutch” Steinberg. The figure is based on the ’84 version and includes a removable helmet and work cones. Released in ’84 as the driver of the VAMP the FSS version looks great and stays true to the original. I have always been a fan of the VAMP and I can’t wait to see him paired up with his vehicle.
We currently sit half way through the reveals of FSS 8.0 and so far so good. Most of the figures look pretty good and I can’t wait to see the rest of the reveals. Make sure to head over to the Club website and sign up before May 2 to be part of FSS 8.0.

(Inspired by the Sunbow cartoon & 2007 GIJCC design.)
Includes: removable helmet, grenade bandolier, pistol, knife,
assault rifle, bazooka, backpack with shells x 4, and figure stand.

(Inspired by the 1984 version 2 action figure.)
Includes: removable helmet, vest, assault rifle,
pistol, work cones x 2, and figure stand.
by Josh | Apr 17, 2018 | G.I. Joe Collectors Club
Today the Club gave us a peak at Bullet-Proof, the Battle Corps Commander. Bullet-Proof was originally released in ’92 as part of the D.E.F. (Drug Elimination Force). It appears the club has changed the subset away from D.E.F. and gone with the Battle Corps. Bullet-Proof has a similar deco as his original ’92 release but with the FSS version it appears he will have a non-removable helmet. All in all he looks to be a great figure. It’s a shame that we can’t flush out the rest of the D.E.F. team.
Don’t miss out on this figure as well as the rest of the FSS 8.0. Head on over to the Club page and sign up today.

(Inspired by the 1992 action figure.)
Includes: removable grenade bandolier, pistol, knife,
rifle, rocket launcher with projectile, and figure stand.
by Josh | Apr 17, 2018 | G.I. Joe Collectors Club
The Club gave us two reveals last week for the FSS 8.0. We got our first glimpse of Fast Draw and Red Laser. While both of the figures look to be parts mash-ups from previous figures they both look put together quite well. As I previously mentioned FSS 8.0 is going to be bittersweet for many of us. I am super excited to see a lot of the figures that have been mentioned in the lineup but I also realize with each reveal we are that closer to wrapping up the Figure Subscription Service. With that said let’s look at Fast Draw and Red Laser.
Fast Draw is inspired by the ’87 release and stays true to the original color scheme. It looks like a lot of the figure comes from the Modern Era Blowtorch figure but I think it works pretty well. Fast Draw also comes with Duke’s launcher from the Pursuit of Cobra and looks ready for battle. All in all I think Fast Draw looks good and will look great with the rest of the ’87 figures.
The next reveal was Red Laser who is inspired by the European exclusive action figure. I personally don’t know a lot of the history on Red Laser so I had to do some searching. According to what I found Red Laser was originally released in ’83 as a repaint of Cobra Commander. He was available in the United Kingdom and Europe and was part of the Red Shadows. It looks like the Club opted for a repaint in this case as well using mostly what appears to be the Ultimate Cobra Commander. He looks really nice with the vibrant red color scheme and skull and crossbones flag.
If you’re interested in the FSS 8.0 make sure to jump over to the GI Joe Collectors Club and get signed up before the May 2nd deadline.

Code Name: FAST DRAW
(Inspired by the 1987 action figure.)
Includes: removable helmet, face mask, revolver pistol,
backpack missile system with 8 projectiles, remote controls x 2,
connection hoses x 2, and figure stand.

Code Name: RED LASER
(Inspired by the European exclusive action figure.)
Includes: removable helmet, advanced combat rifle,
laser pistol, Red Shadows flag, and figure stand.
by Josh | Mar 31, 2018 | Uncategorized
Boss Fight Studio has headed back to Kickstarter with their follow-up campaign to the highly successful Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. figures. This time around they are launching their new Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. 1:18 Articulated Horses. The horses look absolutely amazing and will be a great compliment to the rest of the Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. figures. Each horse comes fully assembled but has the ability to be easily customized. As part of the Kickstarter campaign they are also offering tack kits to outfit the horses and gear kits to customize the Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. Blanks or carded figures. They have some great stretch goals as part of this campaign such as an Elk, unlocked at $210,000 or Male Centaur Kits to turn your house into a Centaur, unlocked at $315,000. Of course there are many other stretch goals that you can check out as part of the campaign. As of this writing the campaign sits at $84,618 of its $125,000 goal. It has 42 days left and is performing very well. Check it out today and jump on board. This looks like another fantastic Kickstarter by Boss Fight Studio. Head on over to Kickstarter to see more pictures, information and get your pledge in.