As has been a theme throughout the C.O.P.S. Hasbro tried to bridge some classic 30's mob styling with some futuristic appeal and for the most part it's very, very successful. Turbo TuTone seems to take this to an extreme, with a facial hair style, uniform, and overall look that just screams bad black and white mafia movie. He takes it to another level, yet still works in some regard.

Turbo's facial sculpt is the most distinctive part of the figure and looks really good, with his high and tight hair cut and unusual beard style. The actual sculpting of the figure looks decent, with a nicely patterned classic style shirt, rolled up sleeves, gloves, and high boots with white pants. With some intricate sculpted line detailing, the shirt comes to life and works well with the suspenders to bring a very classic appeal to the figure. Twin holsters sit on these suspendors and look pretty nice, while working well, too, keeping Turbo's small two revolvers neatly concealed.

He has some odd flairs on his shoulders and thighs, most likely a statement of the 30's, but overall, even with such a flashback to the old days, he looks like an interesting figure and character over all.

The colors get a little iffy, however. While Buttons McBoomBoom takes a pinkish/red and makes it work, Turbo's shirt is almost TOO pink. It's a light, bright, girlish pink color that looks like a little too much. However the bright shade of the white pants mixes well with the light pink and doesn't end up looking TOO bad, essentially.

The black boots, suspenders, and holsters bring a nice shade of darkness in contrast to the light and really stand out well. Turbo's only accessories (besides his Roadster, anyway) are his two snub-nosed revolvers which are great throwbacks to the old days, yet new enough to still look dangerous in this day and age. Perfect weapons for a getaway driver who needs some small caliber defense when he's trying to make an escape.

The Roadster is the most iconic vehicle for the Crooks side of things, and as it's driver, Turbo TuTone becomes an important character by default. Deals can be had on sealed and opened items, and I'd advise to go for it when you get the chance. They're both interesting and worth owning.

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