Built To Rule - Armadillo HAV

Now come on, admit it. This is the one you've been waiting for. Forget all those little ATV's, planes and submarines. Ever since the first pics of this whole series debuted, THIS has been the vehicle to get. Well, I got it...now, what do I think?

I've been starting with the figures first in all of the BTR reviews to this point, so why stop now? Well, I'm going to have to at least start this one with a bad note.

This is a kind of gross figure. He is quite plain, which isn't usually a figure's death knell, but it doesn't help. Dressed in a simple dress shirt and pants, this Duke does not jump off the page...trust me, he isn't that impressive in person either. He's in plain green and brown and just really doesn't do anything for me at all. I'm not against a military figure appearing in plain military dress garb, but this figure is just darn ugly. His shirt is boring in color and design, and his pants aren't much better. Not only that, but those pegs are super-pronounced and look just plain strange, especially in that pseudo-flesh color on his arms. Not only that, but the strange, rubbery material that these BTR figures are made with really makes this figure tough to use. He is almost so soft he cannot be posed in anything beyond a standing or sitting position. Of course, it is very hot and humid in Vermont right now, so that could have something to do with it, I suppose.

In fact, just about the only plus side to this figure is his head sculpt. It is a very neat version of Duke, which looks like him and has a surprising amount of detail. His gruff face is a nice change from the usual cocky grin or pretty boy glance, but is not nearly enough to redeem this figure, and not good enough to even come close to replacing the completely awesome Wave 4 Duke. So bah, the figure sucks! Don't even bother with buying the vehicle, right? Not by a long shot. This vehicle is by far the coolest BTR vehicle out there and may even be the coolest overall GI Joe vehicle I've seen released over the past year. It's been quite a few years since GI Joe got an updated troop transport, and while this vehicle isn't strictly a transport per se, it does work as one, and works as a lot of other things, too.



First of all, this thing is BIG and HEAVY. After you put it all together (which will take awhile...at least, it took me a while!) it feels like a monster. A very powerful vehicle that can be used for all sorts of purposes, and most likely will be used for all sorts of purposes. The overall shape is great and solid. The flat grill and wide body add an incredible dimension of power to this vehicle and you can immediately envision it racing to the front lines and evacuating wounded, or transporting reinforcements. It looks like it could take a direct hit from a HISS Tank and not even blink. With eight tires it can maneuver over any kind of terrain to transport whatever items or troops it may need to and is packed with a nice assortment of weapons, although definitely isn't overloaded.

I see this thing's primary specialty as power, not speed. This would not work as a fast attack vehicle or escape craft, but as an escort or transport it would be right at home. But it is evident as well that this vehicle really will not work as an assault vehicle (in spite of what it claims on the box) because it doesn't really have a lot of weapons. Merely one rocket pod (with one on the surveillence jet in back) and a pair of miniguns makes this truck outmatched by pretty much every BTR vehicle out there. As such it is going to be much more of a transport or escort in my world, although it can provide support when it needs to.

Assembly for this thing was a bear, but only because of it's size, not because of it's complexity or part fitting. I took a few extra minutes to separate componants by color and size which saved me a lot of time and energy. Still, it took me a good half hour or more to build, although I am by no means a Lego afficianado, so it may take someone with some background far less time. Everything snapped together well and I can't tell you how neat it felt to build this monster from scratch.

The only possible downside to this thing is that it is a BTR vehicle. I would kill for a normal Joe vehicle with this design to be released, but even so, the pegs aren't so noticable that I won't be able to use this thing in my universe. Expect to see a lot of it in my upcoming Dio's, and unless a better transport comes along in the next year, it may play a large role in GI Joe: Misdirection, my story planned for immediately following Retaliation. (Yes I do plan that far ahead...*sigh*).

But wait...there's more! :) Not only is the primary vehicle mode a cool one the secondary mode really rocks as well! The two vehicles are absolute polar opposites: one large and powerful, the other small, sleek and speedy, yet they both work beautifully. I almost wish I could have both of them in action at the same time...they would make awesome compliments of each other, yet each could provide a good purpose on their own. Not another $20.00 worth, though. :) Here's the second mode:

Simply called "Attack Vehicle" this little race-car is very, very cool. Slim and low to the ground I can envision this car sweeping into an urban battlefield and just tearing it up. Unfortunately this set only comes with two miniguns, but if I were to use this thing in a "real life" mission, it would be LOADED. Imagine this thing racing down city streets at 80 MPH and firing 6-8 mini guns at scattering COBRA troops. Some very cool images here. Even as different as this vehicle is, it is equally successful in it's own right and almost cool enough for it's own set.

But wait, there's more... ;)

This could either be considered a second part of the second mode, or as a third mode completely, even though you can create both this set and the car with the pieces from the Armadillo. This appears to act as a launching pad for the surveillance jet, a neat little airspeeder meant for what seems like swift reconassaince in-and-out missions. I can't see it holding it's own against even a little Trubble Bubble, yet for a spycraft it could work fairly well. The launching pad itself is somewhat boring and uninteresting and doesn't add a whole lot to the overall package, but the rest of the set more than makes up for it.

Even if you're not a BTR fan, I'd advise to pick this up when you see it. It serves a terrific purpose (two even) for anyone's Joe army and is just an overall neat looking vehicle. It's heavy armored transport mode is something the Joe team has been severely lacking, and the modern, yet realistic look is a nice welcome change from the recent regular vehicles we've been seeing on the shelves. At $19.99, this thing gets my highest recommendation.








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