G.I. Joe: ARAHC - Wave Crusher
Well, it’s about time! I gotta say, moving back to the Northeast really killed my Joe buying abilities. It took me this long to finally track down the Wave Crusher, but boy was it worth the wait!
This thing is COOL! I always thought the SHARC was an okay Joe vehicle as a kid. It had it’s coolness factor, but didn’t really wow me like some others. But make this thing a Cobra vehicle and it’s downright impressive.
To me, the advanced vehicles really belong on Cobra’s side. I can see Destro whipping up some of these really whacked out vehicles and selling them as Cobra exclusives. I see the SHARC as one of his specials. A small, light assault plane that doubles as a sub. That has M.A.R.S. written all over it. Still, for it’s time, the SHARC served the Joe team well. It really is time for it to evolve, though, and in my universe, it just did!
Now for the "official" 2000-2001 vehicle review…
Display: Same ole, same ole. The package is nice and flashy, really grabs the attention. I LOVE the action shot of the Wave Crusher. The spraying waves behind it are a great touch. I do wish the Cobra affiliation was bigger and more obvious, but it still works.
Assembly: Every time I get one of these new vehicles, I’m reminded of the childhood joy of ripping one of these babies open for the first time. This was no different! Starting off with assorted little pieces and a sheet of instructions, then slowly building up to the completed vehicle still holds the same pleasure. This one was pretty quick and easy, and posed little problem.
Playability: For reasons similar to the Desert Striker the Wave Crusher is a VERY playable toy. It’s small size makes it easy to maneuver and zoom around. Popping the cannons on the wings is an endless joy. The only downside is that the missile/torpedoes on the bottom have a tendency to fall off at inopportune times. Still, a very fun vehicle. Way too much fun to be used as a watercraft, in my book. In my Joeverse, the Wave Crusher is going to be a light attack plane all the way, which just happens to also double as a sub if need be. It will fill the same purpose as the Firebat and will work as flanking craft for the cooler and more deadly red plane.
Color: The Wave Crusher’s color is very cool as well. The muted Cobra blue is a popular color with this new Joe series, and they use it very well. I love the Crusher’s color scheme, and even the oft-mentioned copper undercoating works well for me. Overall, the color fits right in with Cobra and is fantastic!
This is a great little vehicle! Were I a rich man, I would have large armies of this and the HISS Tank, as they compliment each other so well. As it is, I have 4 HISSes, and may end up getting 3 of these, but we will have to see. If you do see one of these and don’t have one yet, definitely pick it up, especially if you don’t have a SHARC.