G.I. Joe: ARAHC - Laser Viper
I’ll say, this final profile is probably as surprising to me as it is to anyone reading. When I first saw this figure in those infamous Toy Fair pictures, I was immediately dismayed. What kind of figure is that?!? Who molded that head, Hassenfield’s four year old?!? Out of Play Doh??? Plus the silver-ish colors and the blurry, half assed picture didn’t lend anything else to it that wasn’t negative. But that may be the very thing that catapulted this figure to the top of my personal top ten list. My expectations were so low for this figure that when I finally saw the actual thing in person, it was such a great improvement, I couldn’t help but love it. The classic Cobra colors scream as soon as you see him: a nice light blue, bright reds, the menacing toothy Cobra grin coming from the center of his helmet. Pure greatness.
The Toy Fair photos really did such little justice to this whole series, it’s almost a shame. Based on those, I’m frankly shocked that any retailers volunteered to carry this line at all, but truly hope that many of the end up doing it. As each series is released, I see them in more and more different locations, and I think it’s just a matter of time before they are nearly as widespread as they were back in the hayday of G.I. Joe.
But I digress…the mold used for Laser Viper was another classic ’91 mold remaking an older figure, and trying to make it better. Sci Fi, the figure who originally had this mold was a great improvement over the original with more subdued colors, a removable helmet and really cool laser rifle/backpack combination. And everything that made him an improvement over the original Sci Fi pales in comparison to the improvements made to produce this wonderful example.
Now, I’ve heard some complaints here and there that making a Cobra from the mold of a Joe just didn’t seem right, but I really don’t see it. I don’t see why G.I. Joe and Cobra couldn’t get their designs from the same sources, or even steal eachother’s ideas. I could see Dr. Mindbender witness Sci Fi in action against Cobra forces, and analyzing his uniform and weapon, only to use that data to create an arsenal for Cobra’s forces. And quite an arsenal it makes! And then you have the newly sculpted head. What a wonderful addition!! It takes the great features of the original Cobra Troopers and beefs it up, adding great detail and a nice design. A wonderful finishing touch.
The coolest thing about this figure is it’s seamless blend between normal, authentic military style and cutting edge technological wizardry. The techno-gadgetry on his chestplate, arms and legs blends right in with the blue cloth uniform, meshing together to create the perfect all purpose warrior. One who can brandish an AK-47 and do it the old fashioned way, or one that can assemble a sophisticated laser powered assault weapon and fire it on enemy targets in mere minutes. The Laser Viper is a combination of both of these important traits, and quite frankly pulls it off better than I could ever imagine.
Yeah, maybe the only reason this guy was put at the top was because of how much better he appeared than his first pictures, but I don’t know. Every time I look at him, he reminds me of the classic days of G.I. Joe, and really looks the part of the Cobra Trooper. They could have packaged him as a new Cobra Infantry, and I would not have minded one bit. Still, as a support trooper, Laser Viper is terrific and a great addition to a great line, which doesn’t look to be slowing down. Here’s to many more years of new Joe releases to look forward to!