G.I. Joe: ARAHC - Destro
Well, I think this may be a first. In all previous new releases, the Cobras for the most part fared far higher than the bulk of Joes. Here is the first exception.
It almost pains me to think about what Hasbro could have done with the ’88 Destro mold. I can only imagine that it is lost and gone forever, which is a horrible tragedy, especially if we are forced to witness this version every time the famed Scottish arms dealer is rendered in plastic. Perhaps this figure wouldn’t seem so sad if the other versions of Destro weren’t so GREAT!
I remember back in ‘91/’92 when I first saw this figure on the back of a cardback. It was during the time that they were modernizing and re-releasing the older figures into much cooler molds (in my opinion, anyway). We had great versions of Stalker and Hawk (Talking Battle Commanders), Zap (Super Sonic Fighters), Grunt, Duke, and a host of others. I saw Destro back there and was quite excited! After all, the first two had been so great. If there was this much improvement in the others, just imagine what the new Destro would be like! To say I was disappointed would be an understatement.
First of all, there is the huge collar. That, actually does not bug me a whole lot. I can deal. But then we have the non-chrome tiny head that looked like a bald man with silver face paint! YIKES! Not only that, but instead of fashionable black leather, he now had black spandex type stuff with these strange red adornments and large orange shoulder pads. Lets not even get into the whole spring loaded firing disk thing…
So, what does this lamenting have to do with the ’01 Destro, you might ask? Simple. It’s the same damn figure. Same one. Some highlights may be changed, a little touch here and there…but still. There’s the scrawny body (especially compared to the downright monstrous ’83 and ’88 versions!), the huge puffy red collar, and the non-chrome, silver face paint head. Ack.
So why in the heck is he listed 3rd from last rather than last? Well, he IS Destro, and Destro is kick-ass no matter what. His release does show that Hasbro is at least paying some attention and seems to be sticking with their old tried and true formula. A regal Commander and a battle one…Destro, The Baroness…Firefly, Major Bludd and Storm Shadow…good heavens, it’s like 1984 all over again! :D Well, not quite, but in all honesty, these new figures do live up to their tradition quite well.
Also, there is the customizing potential…once I actually figure out how to use a swivel head with a ball joint one, I plan on modifying one of these new Destros with one of the classic chrome head and set of arms. A Joe fan by the name of Space Cow gave me this idea in a neat little dio-story of his…check out the site here to see it. Nice job, Space Cow!
Anyway, while this figure is an almost exact replica of an already forgettable version of this classic character, it does show that Hasbro is at least trying, and that moves it up a couple notches. Anyway, look at the bright side…at least he ain’t pink!