G.I. Joe: ARAHC - Law & Order
Well, welcome to the profiles for the 2000 G.I. Joe Two Packs. The way I figured I would do it is to start with my least favorite of the figures and move up to the one I liked the most. So if the first few reviews seem luke warm, that's because I'm just building to the good ones!!
Wow...from here on, the decisions get REAL tough REAL quick. The rest of these figures are just fantastic, and it is very hard to choose between all of them. Next on the list is Law & Order.
I can't even tell you how much of an improvement these slight changes in colors are. Black and white suits Law to a "T". The colors mesh into an almost perfect harmony, creating a beautiful Police Officer figure. The dark brown pants only add to the great color scheme and overall, this figure just screams "law enforcement" as he should.
The mold from '87 was definitely a nice mold to begin with. The open vest and holster; detailed badge and helmet; unique facial expression. It all adds together into a nicely crafted action figure, which stands out, yet at the same time blends perfectly with the other Joes. This is one instance when I say thank goodness they didn't use paint wipes on this figure, because it would really take away from the stark white and black contrast which makes this figure so nice.
The detail on the figure is amazing, which can be somewhat attributed to the Hasbro staff of '87, but has even been improved on here. There is a nice American Flag logo on the back of Law's helmet, to match the ones on Tomahawk's, Dial Tone's, and Dusty's sleeves. Also, I am led to believe that they are trying to insinuate that this is the same Order used by Law many years ago. He has a gray trim, which adds some awesome character and nifty detailed to an accessory which could have easily just been a "throw in".
As per usual, the plastic quality is great with no O-Ring problems to be had. The accessories are definitely nice, maintaining that Law Enforcement feel. A suberb addition to the Joe line.