G.I. Joe: ARAHC - Dial Tone
Well, welcome to the profiles for the 2000 G.I. Joe Two Packs. The way I figured I would do it is to start with my least favorite of the figures and move up to the one I liked the most. So if the first few reviews seem luke warm, that's because I'm just building to the good ones!!
Man, I honestly do not know what to say. Perhaps it is the lingering elation of finding new Joes in stores for the first time in a few years. Maybe it is the feeling that we are on the brink of a major comeback for A Real American Hero. I think it's just that Dial Tone is such a cool action figure. I really want to say that I haven't seen figures this nice out of Hasbro in a good fifteen years. The detailing and paintjob of this guy is reminiscent of the glory days of ARAH. True military colors, great accessories, excellent detailing; the whole shebang. Granted, Dial Tone's mold comes from 1986, during Joe's golden years. But still, Hasbro added so much to it. I want to say right now that I do not mind that Hasbro removed the mustache. In real life people shave, why should Joes be any different? To be honest, I can barely tell that the mustache line is there...it really doesn't make a difference to me.
Dial Tone is the epitomy of a modern army soldier. He is dressed in dark green with a beret, elaborate leather straps with grenades, pouches and other assorted goodies. He has some high tech equipment on his uniform, and comes with simple, but effective accessories. The American Flag on his sleeve is nicely done, and the paint wipes do nothing but improve his over all look. The detail and whethering effect they add is fantastic, and I am thrilled that Hasbro decided to go this route for this particular figure. I will agree that paint wipes do not work on EVERY figure, but on this one, they do wonders.
There is really not much more I can say. This figure IS G.I. Joe, plain and simple. A well detailed, well crafted, military themed trooper. He looks mean, he looks tough and he carries a nasty machine gun! Who could ask for anything more? I do have one minor gripe, however...the paint scheme is a little too "one colored". A LOT of green drab. A little more black would be cool and for crying out loud, paint the gloves!!! But overall, this figure is still spectacular, and tied with Firefly, is my pick of the litter for G.I. Joe 2000.
Again, great plastic quality; O-Ring was fine. Accessories work well. I would have prefered that he had his old communications backpack, but the walkie talkie serves ok. The machine gun is great and the backpack completes him well. He could pass for a Green Beret, which is definitely a good thing. Nicely done, Hasbro, again!