MSRP: $145.00 Shipped | 17 Discs | 95 Episodes | Full Details
Presentation | Discs 5-7 | Discs 9-11 | Discs 13-16 | Special Features
Shout! Factory presents G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero - The Full Sunbow Series
Part 5 (of 5) - Discs 8, 12, and 17 - The Special Features & Review Overview
I've spent four pages going on and on about all of the different episodes, discs, and other stuff you can get in this monstrous boxed set. What I haven't covered, though, is the Special Features, and I've gotta devote almost an entire article just to talk about that!
The new features are spread out amongst discs 8, 12, and 17. The first four discs have the same features built in as they did with Season 1.1, but those other three discs are FULL of special features. It's not just a track or two, it's the entire disc. I'll list everything from Disc 1 on, though keep in mind discs 1-4 also had episodic content as well as the special features. This is the specific lowdown:
Disc 1 through 3
- Looking Back with Writer Ron Friedman (Parts 1 - 3): Ron Friedman wrote every episode of the first three five-part series, and he explores the process of bringing these characters to life.
Disc 4
- 1963 G.I. Joe Toy Fair Presentation: An awesome "retro" look at a 1963 sales pitch for the 1963 12" G.I. Joe figure that launched the brand that we know today.
- Printable Jungle Trap Script - An actual PDF file stored on the DVD that gives the viewer some great insight into the scripting process, complete with scribbles and story.
- Knowing is Half the Battle PSA's:
1. Alpine - What to do When you're Lost
2. Barbecue - What to do if your House is on Fire
3. Deep Six - Don't Swim when it's Storming
4. Mutt - Don't Pet Strange Dogs
5. Quick Kick - Take your Time when Building a Treehouse
6. Spirit - What to do if you Catch on Fire
7. Torpedo - How to Tread Water - Archival Hasbro Toy Commercials
1. Collection
2. Breaker and the Rapid Fire Motorcycle
3. Polar Battle Bear
Disc 8
- Everyday Heroes - The History of G.I. Joe: An in depth and insightful look at the many lives of G.I. Joe, from action figures and play sets to comic books and anmiated series. Includes exclusivem brand-new interviews with those most responsible for the success of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero.
- Knowing is Half the Battle PSA's:
8. Cutter - Use an Umpire to Ref Games
9. Flint - Don't get Mad at your Goalie
10. Dusty - Use Reflectors
11. Scarlett - Keep Trying
12. Roadblock - Don't Tell Strangers Where you Live
13. Footloose - How to Stop a Nose Bleed
14. Snow Job - Don't Skate on Thin Ice
- Archival Hasbro Toy Commercials:
4. Destro
5. G.I. Joe MOBAT
6. G.I. Joe Watchtower, Howitzer, and Bivouac
7. G.I. Joe Falcon Glider and COBRA Viper Glider
8. G.I. Joe Killer WHALE
9. G.I. Joe Skystriker
10. COBRA Rattler
Disc 12
- Men & Women of Action: Creating the G.I. Joe Animated Series - A look back at the development and production of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero with members of the creative team and voice talent.
- Voices of a Real American Hero - An unbelievable round table discussion with eight key members of the voice cast.
- Knowing is Half the Battle PSA's:
15. Doc - Don't Take Drugs Without Supervision
16. Lady Jaye - There's Nothing Chicken About Being Smart
17. Recondo - Don't use a Fridge as a Hiding Place
18. Airtight - What to do if Someone Passes Out
19. Roadblock - Don't Jump Over Downed Power Lines
20. Blowtorch - Don't call the Fire Department from a Burning Building
21. Shipwreck - Stealing is Wrong - Archival Hasbro Toy Commercials:
11. U.S.S. Flagg Aircraft Carrier
12. COBRA Bunker & G.I. Joe Checkpoint/Air Defense
13. G.I. Joe Personnel Carrier
14. COBRA HISS & G.I. Joe Wolverine
15. G.I. Joe Dragonfly & COBRA FANG
16. G.I. Joe MOBAT, Dragonfly, and Attack Vehicle
17. G.I. Joe Skyhawk & COBRA CLAW
18. COBRA Sea Ray & Wolf
Disc 17
- Greenshirts: The G.I. Joe Legacy - An intimate look at those most touched by G.I. Joe: its legion of loyal fans. A nice look into the G.I. Joe Conventions and the convention goers as well as interviews and talks with many Hasbro employees who are also fans of the franchise.
- Declassified: A conversation with Larry Hama - An in-depth interview with the comic book writer most responsible for the unforgettible stories and characters of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero. An absolutely fantastic conversation with the "Godfather" of G.I. Joe, who (as always) talks frankly and openly about the process (or lack thereof) he used to craft this wide-reaching universe.
- Fan Material - Fan Film G.I. Joe: Battle for the Serpent Stone, a pretty neat fan made motion picture done by fans, for fans
- Knowing is Half the Battle PSA's:
22. Wild Bill - Don't Play with Strangers
23. Deep Six - Always Wear a Life Jacket
24. Leatherneck - Proper Sun Care
25. Spirit - Never Underestimate the Blind
26. Dial Tone - Always have Proper Ventilation
27. General Hawk - Don't Try to Beat the Train - Archival Hasbro Toy Commercials:
19. G.I. Joe Rolling Thunder
20. G.I. Joe Headquarters
21. COBRA Terror Drome
22. COBRA Water Moccasin & G.I. Joe SHARC
23. COBRA Maggot & G.I. Joe Persuader
24. COBRA Raven
25. G.I. Joe Phantom X-19 & COBRA BUGG
What can I say about these Special Features other than "Holy Crap..."? Three full discs chock full of so much great information and insight...conversations with the producers and creative forces behind the Sunbow cartoons? Interviews and insight with the toy makers? Larry Hama?? I mean, come on, there's something here for Joe fans of all shapes and styles! This is NOT just a set for cartoon lovers, it's a set for Joe fans, period.
By the time you run through all of the discs special features, you have every single Public Service Announcement...a whole array of vintage Hasbro commercials...and you get a deep and rich look at the twenty-seven year history of what is, quite simply, the greatest non-media related toyline in the history of retail sales. What other toy can boast an almost constant retail store presence since 1964? Especially one that has had limited media support for most of its recent life? The strength and consistancy of the G.I. Joe brand is on display with this entire seventeen disc set and any Joe fan who doesn't at least check this out at some point is doing themselves a serious disservice.
I know there are folks out there wondering why this is worth it...maybe they're not big Sunbow fans, or maybe they have no desire to rewatch the animated series for fear of watering down what they remember or somehow fogging those rose-colored glasses. If you're not going to check it out for yourself, at least think about picking up a set for your kids. We've all said that they don't make cartoons like this any more...prove it. Show your kids some of this stuff and get them into G.I. Joe at a time when they can't turn on the TV and watch for themselves.
Or heck, just get a set and watch for the Special Features. They are WORTH IT. It's very cool seeing the faces behind the characters, behind the toys, and even behind the cartoon and comic themselves. Seventeen CD's worth of G.I. Joe goodness, how could you possibly go wrong?
I have to give Shout! Factory all the credit in the world. They took this property and really put some effort into this release. From a video and audio standpoint you may not see any quality here that you didn't see in the RHINO days, but I'll tell you, these special features, this presentation, and the fact that you get the entire boxed set in one lump sum is worth the price of admission. Pick it up. You'll be thanking yourself for years.
Now, I just have to wait on pins and needles, hoping they're going to release G.I. Joe: The Movie, so I can fill that hole at the end of case #2...