Okay, here's where things get a little strange...well, not REAL strange, but at least a little bit strange. The A.utomated P.olice E.nforcement S.ystems gets the press for this figure, but it's actually the man behind the equipment that steals the show here a little bit, in my mind. The A.P.E.S. gear itself looks a little bit silly, I think, with oversized clunky metal legs and an odd grappling system, but still the character is an important one, and there are some redeeming qualities to be seen.

Robert Waldo, the man behind the A.P.E.S. is described as being a genius and inventor for the C.O.P.S. team, which is a nice hole that needed filling here, especially considering Mainframe was only a comic and cartoon character at this point and the team didn't really have a technology expert. I can see this guy filling that role, and even his facial sculpt gives him that typical look. The body style is huge and lumbering with an immensely broad chest (which might be exhaggerated by armor) and is in general an imposing figure. His uniform, underneath the trapping, looks like a padded, layered, protective costume which is nicely trimmed with the white tech-vest and tall boots. This vest, these boots, and the gauntlets have these interesting sockets to fit different gear, and gives him some expandability.

I find A.P.E.S.' colors to be remarkably similar to Airwave with dark blues and whites, and like Airwave it works pretty well here, too. Nothing elaborate or intricate, but it looks nice enough along with the silver badge and gear. Speaking of the gear, well... I'm really not too impressed with the focus of the figure here, which is the strange legs and arms that don't really seem to serve any purpose. However, I do really like the helmet and awesome clear facemask/visor that goes along with it...I also really dig the clip on heavy machine gun, too. Great format, very cool design scheme. The twin barrels look great and give him a machine gun and shotgun type of weapon all in one combined gun, and it looks very cool. So while I really do not like those funky legs, there are redeeming qualities to some of the accessories and are definitely cool.

It's not a bad figure, but gets a somewhat bad rap due to his funky gear allotment...but at his core, it is still a neat figure and worth a purchase, since it can be found pretty cheap, even MOC.

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