From the day I bought Highway way back when, he was immediately the "Flint" to Longarm's "Duke". I'm not really sure why he got the default second in command affiliation, as it didn't really dictate that in the filecard, but I kind of saw him as a pseudo authority figure, same as how I saw Flint. I always liked Flint more than Duke...he was a guy in charge, but he had his own attitude and his own way of doing things that wasn't quite so straight-laced, which is what I liked. I saw Highway the same way. Always drove a little too fast, did things a little too rough, but still got the job done. Perhaps it was his position as a futuristic motorcycle cop that got him this designation from me...I mean what's cooler to a kid than a motorcycle cop, right?

Like many of the other C.O.P.S. in the first series, this figure looks remarkably similar to the current day equivilent. Round, white helmet and goggles, typical black leather jacket, but here with some somewhat modern silver shoulder pads. His typical police blue pants are topped off by knee-high padded leather boots, which look fine...overall the figure is pretty skinny, but retains some bulk in the jacket area, and looks as you would expect a bike cop to look. The figure itself is pretty cool and has smooth moving articulation, which always helps.

The colors here are the typical ones you would leather jacket, brown boots and gloves, some silver highlights here and there and light blue pants. He looks as a police officer should look, and the details are nicely applied throughout the figure.

But as with a lot of the C.O.P.S., it's the accessories that really perfectly compliment the figure and bring him to life. Highway comes with a very cool revolver, which looks somewhat based on the classic snub nosed pistols of time past, but is obviously beefed up and souped up for the future. Hasbro is very successful with these types of guns, making some really awesome pistols for folks like Highway, Heavyweight, Roadblock, Turbo TuTone, and many others as well. He's got a great nightstick that clips to a hook on his belt, but the ultimate accessory is his "air bike", which is just awesome in it's simplicity. It's not an advanced design, but it's very, very cool and the small siren on it just tops it all off. I can see squads of Highway Patrol officers zipping around on these things in the future. A great little item to add some fun to the figure.

All in all, the character almost seems to outlive the figure here. The toy itself is nicely presented and looks pretty cool, but is nothing amazing. His accessories are a whole lotta fun, which helps a lot, and you end up with a pretty decent action figure package over all. He's a pretty core character, so I can definitely recommend him, although MIB samples sometimes sell for more than they're really worth.

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