One thing that was so cool about the C.O.P.S. toyline that even G.I. Joe didn't do much throughout it's run was that we got such a broad diversity in body types depending on the character. Longarm was your typical, normal sized man...Highway was a little skinnier and more wirey. Badvibes was even scrawnier...then you have Big Boss.

"Big" in more ways than one, The Big Boss runs Empire City's underworld with a literal iron fist, and as intimidating as the character is, this figure captures it perfectly! The toy is squat and rotund, being extra large without sacrificing any overall articulation, and has a presence about him that speaks volumes. He seems quite obviously at least somewhat based on Kingpin from the Marvel comics with the concept that he's large, but "is surprisingly strong and agile" according to his ID card. He's obviously also based on your typical 30's gangster from the film noir days, but has a nice added bit of future element to him as well with an incredibly nicely designed chrome metal left hand. It looks really, really cool and immediately gives him a ton of character.

The sculpt of his body itself looks great, too, with a large, draping dress coat and simply sculpted pants. The trimmings are where things look really nice though, with little details like police badges for buttons (assuming he took those off of his victims) and the cybernetic sculpting of the aforementioned prosthesis. It all comes together surprisingly nicely and you get a very effective "boss" figure.

The colors are somewhat simple and straight forward, with a white jacket and blue pants, and all of the trimmings colored as they should be. Nothing intricate or elaborate, but all of the pallets make sense and the figure looks real world. His accessories are not expansive, but they probably shouldn't be, in the position he's in. He comes with a small weasel that sits on his shoulder and a cap-firing wooden cane, evidently meant to be his last line of defense in the event of a sudden bust.

Overall, as the chief of the Crooks, and the central bad guy all of the C.O.P.S. are trying to take down, owning Big Boss is a must. It helps that the figure is actually pretty neat as well and definitely a worthy purchase.

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