Episode Name: The Case of the Crime Circus Episode Synopsis: At an Empire City bank, a security guard gets a sudden surprise visit from a frightening large white face attached to an advanced technological machine. This clown-themed contraption blasts out the windows and easily breaks into the bank vault, using a laser hidden behind one of its eyes, then grabs stacks of gold bars, and inhales it into its body. The driver is revealed to be Dr. Badvibes and he gets orders from Big Boss to prepare his Circus Wagon for the "Big Heist". Longarm, Hardtop, Bullet-Proof, and Mainframe arrive at the bank as the watchman is taken away, and he immediately beings freaking out, pointing out a large white face that was responsible for the attack. The COPS look at this face that he pointed out and it is an advertisement for a local "Mechanical Circus". It's the only lead they have, so they elect to investigate. Longarm and Hardtop arrive at the Mechanical Circus where a young girl named "Sam" is caught stealing a wallet after a short conversation with her, they spot the "Ringmaster", who bears a striking resemblance to Dr. Badvibes. Hardtop goes off to ask him a few questions. Hardtop begins grilling this "ringmaster" but the questions stop short as Dr. Badvibes operates a trap door, sending Hardtop hurtling downwards! While Longarm looks around, he spots Sam again and gives chase...Sam ends up going down a "Parts" chute and drops down into a basement room where there is more money than she's ever seen before being sorted and piled and organized by robotic machines...but Badvibes and Buzzbomb are there as well! Buzzbomb spots Sam and soon she is captured by robots. Longarm is poking around looking for the evasive young girl, but instead of finding Samantha, he runs into "Roberto" a large, wheeled robot, who sprays sleeping gas at him, knocking him out. Badvibes has all three of them at his mercy in his basement, locked in a cage, and has a brainstorm, revealing his plan to knock off the Gold Depository for the Circus Wagon's "Big Heist" that Big Boss has been demanding. He leaves, leaving Roberto to guard the three prisoners...Samantha reveals that she saw these robots sorting money, so Longarm whips out his dollar bill. Roberto spots this dollar bill and goes after it. When Longarm brings it inside the cage, Roberto blasts the cage with his lasers to go after it, enabling the prisoners to escape. Sam is the only one small enough to fit through the air duct to get out, but her freedom doesn't last long as Badvibes runs across her with the Circus Wagon, scoops her up, and brings her inside. He then orders his clown robots to take care of the COPS. Longarm and Hardtop narrowly avoid death by laser fire from the attack robots, and end up on a platform, raising up and out of their basement prison. They take off in their police car towards the Gold Depository and radio into the precinct where Bullet-Proof and Mainframe are there to take the call. Longarm and Hardtop intercept the Circus Wagon, but prove to be no match for it's mechanical features as it starts tearing apart the cop car like a sardine can. Badvibes is just about to do the same to the COPS inside when Sam grabs an axe inside of the Circus Wagon and rams it into the mechanisms inside. The Circus Wagon shudders, stutters, and collapses in on itself, falling apart completely. Badvibes manages to narrowly escape, but the Circus Wagon (and Badvibes' plan) has been stopped. |