Episode Name: The Case of the Baffling Bugman
Written By: Carl Macek
Character Appearances: Nightshade, Big Boss, the "Bugman", Bullet-Proof, Mainframe, Bowzer & Blitz, Buttons McBoomBoom, Highway, Bullet-Proof, Sgt. Mace
Significant Events: Introduction of the "Bugman", Nightshade makes her first significant appearence.

Episode Synopsis: Nightshade is spending one of her typical nights breaking into an Empire City jewelry store, but gets an unexpected surprise when the vault has already been cleared before she arrived. Left in place of the jewels and cash is a calling card...with a bug displayed on it. Nightshade brings this card to Big Boss, who seems to be considering the value of this new criminal to him, when the criminal himself shows up at Big Boss' window. This criminal introduces himself as the Bugman, and brings his pets with him. Initially disgusted, the Big Boss starts to consider just what this Bugman could do for him...

Meanwhile, the COPS are combing the scene of the crime, checking out the jewelry store for clues, when Blitz corners a bug dragging a diamond behind it. Mainframe checks things out and sees hundreds of insect tracks throughout the vault as well. They decide to set the bug free and see if it will return to its master.

Later that night, the Bugman is meeting up with Big Boss, a bag in hand. Buttons McBoomBoom is there and pays the Bugman, but he isn't happy with the results. He throws the money back in their face and takes off, making Big Boss very unhappy. Nightshade hypthosizes that all you need is the Bugman's remote control in order to do what he does, so Big Boss asks McBoomBoom to pay him a visit.

Back at the COPS Precinct, Mainframe has designed a radio transmitter to look just like the diamond the bug was trying to steal from the vault earlier...immediately the captured bug grabbed the diamond and flew away as Mainframe and Bowzer follow in the Air Raid helicopter. The bug takes a scenic route, but Mainframe stays on it's tail, just as we see a small, oddly shaped building amidst some condemned buildings in a bad part of town. We see the Bigman in this building lamenting the loss of his "favorite bug". Suddenly Buttons McBoomBoom appears, demanding the Bugman's remote for controlling his legion of followers. The Bugman tries to fight back, but Buttons makes short work of him and ties him up, stealing his controller and his bugs. He leaves the Bugman trapped in his odd home as a construction vehicle threatens to plow a wrecking ball through it, ending the Bugman's crime spree once and for all.

The COPS, while following the lost bug, see the flea circus building about to be wrecked. They land the Air Raid helicopter and rush in, untying the Bugman, who reveals that the Big Boss that stole his bugs and is planning on using them...he never wanted to be a criminal in the first place. He promises to show the COPS where the Crooks' hideout is, and they depart.

Meanwhile, Buttons and Nightshade are using the controller (and the bugs) to rob a jewelry store...everything looks to be going perfectly.

Mainframe, Bowzer, and the Bugman arrive at the Crooks' hideout, and Mainframe calls in to the precinct for assistance...Mace, Highway, and Bullet-Proof hear the call, and the COPS go into action.

Back at the Crooks' hideout, the two COPS and Bugman are stalking Buttons and Nightshade, but the Bugman cannot keep quiet, and he reveals their location! Buttons springs some traps, and the COPS and Blitz all get snagged by a cage, and a power magnet as well. Suddenly they're captured, and the two Crooks are free to plan their crime. But Gaylord, the Bugman's specially trained bug, was hidden in Bugman's hat. He flies out and goes into the safe, setting the other bugs free...the bugs swarm the two Crooks, who go crazy. Buttons starts firing his chest weapons everywhere, creating total chaos.

Gaylord hits the lever, setting Blitz free from the magnet, and he corners Buttons while Nightshade tries to make her escape. The COPS who answered the trouble call break in and are everywhere, easily capturing Buttons and Nightshade. The Bugman tries to slip away in the chaos (with the jewels no less), but Bowzer corners him, and he ends up in prison, proudly presenting his flea circus to the prison guards. Case Closed!



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