Name: Walker "Sundown" Calhoun

History: Texas Sherrif and Marshall Walker Calhoun had a reputation a mile long in his native state of Texas, and in the Southwest in general. A no-nonesense approach and fast-moving trigger finger gained him his noteriety, and he relied on that heavily down in his home state. Now that he's in Empire City, he must rely on his own skills, and thankfully he's got them to spare. Even though his traditional Texas style looks out of place amongst the concrete jungle of the big city, his six-shooters still carry the same weight, and his Special Investigations specialty allows him plenty of opportunity to round up the Crooks.

Distinguishing Features: A friendly, smiling sort with a thick moustache and will never be found without his trusty cowboy hat and twin holsters. His modern-day revolvers occupy those holsters on a constant basis. Even when not on duty, the Southwest style of Sundown is quite noticable, and he has quickly become a great asset to the C.O.P.S. force.

The Cartoon
The Comic